Saturday, January 12, 2013

Man, dog attacked by dogs at San Jose dog park

CALIFORNIA -- A South Bay dog owner alerted an animal control agency after he and his pet were attacked by other dogs and suffered serious injuries while at a dog park this week.

The victim, who asked to be identified as David, suffered extensive and painful injuries from the dog bite.

He suffered a broken left thumb and numerous puncture wounds when he tried to separate his pet Labrador, named Bird, from two other dogs.

 "So the tooth went basically straight through the nail and broke it," David said.

The incident took place Wednesday afternoon at Raleigh Lanier Dog Park in South San Jose.

A South Bay dog owner alerted an animal control agency after he and his pet were attacked by other dogs and suffered serious injuries while at a dog park this week.

The victim, who asked to be identified as David, suffered extensive and painful injuries from the dog bite.

He suffered a broken left thumb and numerous puncture wounds when he tried to separate his pet Labrador, named Bird, from two other dogs.

 "So the tooth went basically straight through the nail and broke it," David said.

The incident took place Wednesday afternoon at Raleigh Lanier Dog Park in South San Jose.

 David said a man and woman with two dogs, a brown Labrador and a white American bulldog, were at the park when the white dog attacked Bird.

 "There's a little gash there. The white dog basically had him around his mouth," David said. "There's a lot of internal injuries in his mouth."

 "He's got bites all around on both sides," David said. "The dog was grabbing him, basically. He's got a pretty significant cut to his elbow and I don't know if you can see the stent. There's a stent for a drainage system."

 David said he's angry because he thinks the owners fled, even after he asked them to call for medical help.

 He contacted San Jose Animal Services and said the agency is investigating and searching for the dogs.

"This white dog is dangerous and I am thoroughly convinced that this dog will attack another dog again, and maybe a child."

 David said Bird will be quarantined for two weeks at home.

 He also told the animal service investigator he believes the couple called the white dog Cyrus.

 So far, KTVU has not heard back from the investigator.

(KTVU - Jan 11, 2013)