Tuesday, January 29, 2013

West Virginia: Raleigh county dog and owner attacked by pit bull

WEST VIRGINIA -- A dog breaks away from its chains and attacks another dog and its owner.

Even the most aggressive bark can be ignored by calming sense knowing a dog is chained up and fenced in. But that sense of security in the Calloway Heights community was violated on Sunday after a pit bull breaks free from his chains.

"I was catching my neighbor's dog which I usually do when he gets loose and he just ran up to another dog and started attacking him," Billie Riffle, a neighbor said.

Billie lives next door to the caretaker of Caesar the pit bull. He said once Caesar busted loose, she took off down the street attempting to get the dog back.But she was too late.

A crowd of witnesses gathered as Ceaser began to attack.

"He would not let go!She just calling, "it is killing my dog!"It was just so heart breaking," Diane Harris a witness said.

Harris describes the gruesome scene.

A women in her 70s walking her 1-year-old poodle, Brady and the pit bull attacks! Witnesses said it took 4 grown men, a sledge hammer and finally a gun to stop the dogs attack.

For Harris this comes as a shock, she owns a tiny pug and said the bystanders did the right thing.

"If any dogs were to come into my yard and attack mine I would shot it," Harris said.

Our crews spoke with the care taker of the pit bull on the phone and her thoughts are not on Caeser, instead Brady and his owner.

She explained she has been caring for her nephew's Pit bull, and cannot understand how he broke free from his chains.

She said she is extremely sorry and offered to pay for Brady's vet bill.

Witnesses said Brady's stomach and legs were chewed up pretty badly and the owner, was also bitten in the leg.

Brady was in surgery earlier on Monday, no word on the dog's condition.

(WVNS-TV-Jan 28, 2013)