Saturday, March 23, 2013

Police kill two pit bulls trying to get into zoo

LOUISIANA -- Police say two pit bulls were "destroyed" early Friday after the dogs attempted to gain entry to the Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo.

According to Monroe police, a motorist saw four pit bulls trying to enter the zoo through a fence and notified law enforcement.

Parish animal control officers also responded to the area. Two animals were destroyed at the scene and two were taken into custody and transported to the parish animal shelter.

Police say two dogs were killed because of "their condition and actions."

Since the beginning of the year, the zoo has twice been breached by stray dogs that attacked some of the zoo's animals.

On Feb. 25, police were notified around 8 a.m. of an animal complaint at the zoo. An investigation revealed that three dogs, believed to be pit bulls, entered the zoo and killed three African scimitar oxen, one guanaco and one addax, exotic animals on loan from other zoos.

Police said two of the dogs were destroyed by zoo personnel and one escaped.

On Jan. 6, another pack of stray dogs attacked two boer goats at the zoo. The goats suffered injuries so severe they had to be euthanized.

The dogs reportedly dug under a fence on Bernstein Park Drive to enter the field where the goats were grazing. No other animals were injured and the dogs were not found.

Police said Tuesday they plan to conduct a second review board for their animal control position.

Sgt. Mark Johnson said the position of animal welfare officer for the department is being considered.

"Since the review board interviews of last week, nine more persons have submitted applications for the position," Johnson said. He said a second review board is scheduled for Monday.

"It is hoped that at the conclusion of this second review board a pool from both boards will have qualified applicants available for the chief of police to be able to pick the best person to serve in this position," Johnson said.

The department began interviewing applicants for its vacant animal welfare officer positions this month.

The applicants were to be interviewed by a panel consisting of representatives from the department, animal welfare advocates and a member of the community.

Mayor Jamie Mayo said he hoped to hire two animal welfare officers from the pool of applicants.

(Monroe News Star - Mar 22, 2013)