Friday, April 5, 2013

Ohio inconsistent with applying law

OHIO -- A 74-year-old man faces criminal charges in connection with the Tuesday shooting of a canine in a local dog park.

Robert Marx allegedly shot a woman's dog with a handgun at the Doris Day Dog Park in the Mt. Airy neighborhood. Cincinnati police said the woman's pit bull mix apparently attacked Marx's dog.

Marx is charged with criminal damaging and endangering and knowingly discharging a firearm within the city limits. He was scheduled to appear before Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge Bernie Bouchard on Wednesday.

Police said both dogs were still alive after the incident, but the owner of the injured dog confirmed Wednesday that it died. It's unclear how many people were at the park during the incident.

Marx is a licensed concealed-carry permit holder, police said. But Cincinnati police Sgt. Jim Perkins said that, under Ohio law, a dog is considered "property," and a person cannot legally use a firearm to protect property.

[Police say "You cannot use deadly force to protect property." However, here are two stories in which firearms have been used to protect "property".

Woman Shoots Neighbor's Dog - An East Columbus woman claims she had no other choice but to open fire on her neighbor's pit bull, after it got loose and attacked her dog.

Pit bull killed after attack - A Middletown police officer shot and killed a pit bull after it attacked a Jack Russell Terrier.]

( - April 3, 2013)