Friday, June 21, 2013

Cat and owner swim for their lives in Canada flood

CANADA -- Photographer Jordan Verlage captured a dramatic sequence of photos Thursday as a river in Alberta overflowed its banks, submerging a truck as its driver — and his cat — swam for their lives.

High River resident Kevan Yeats was driving his truck through water on Fifth Avenue. He misjudged how much water was on the road.

"The truck started to float away from me and was heading backwards," he said.

The front end went under water and he had to break a window on the back of the truck to escape. He was able to pull himself, and his cat, out the truck's back window to safety.

He watched as the truck was engulfed in the murky flood waters and he said he doesn't know what happened to it.

"As soon as I left the truck, it went under," he said.

Yeats and the cat, called Momo, both made it to the safety of a nearby bush where they were rescued by volunteers, Verlage said.

(nbcnews - June 21, 2013)