Monday, June 24, 2013

Pit bulls tear through screen, invade home, attack couple and kill their Golden Retriever

PENNSYLVANIA -- Saturday began as a regular day for the Nell family. Linda Nell was upstairs in her Absecon home, when all of a sudden she heard her 10 year old Golden Retriever Chrissy start barking.

"I went to the front door to see what she was barking at. I saw something I couldn't decipher running up my sidewalk," explains Linda Nell.
That's when Linda Nell heard a loud bang, the sound of her screen door being knocked down.

"Before I knew it, there were two pit bulls on top of my dog," she says. "I started screaming. My husband came to see what was wrong, he tried to get the dogs off, I tried to get the dogs off. We couldn't get them off," she continues. "My husband fell on top of the 3 dogs, trying to get them off," Nell adds.
Nell says her husband, 73 year old Louis Nell, was bitten on the hand by one of the dogs. He remains in the hospital, where he is being treated for rabies.
"This is something from what I would say a worse nightmare," says Nell. "You hear about this. You don't think dogs are going to run through your screen and go inside your house and kill a dog," she adds.
During the attack, Linda nervous and emotional called the Absecon Police who arrived to the scene and shot one pit bull dead. Then called Animal Control to seize the other dog who was in the Nell's bedroom. All the while Chrissy lay dying in the kitchen.
"They tore her throat completely open. The vet said you could see everything, every part of her anatomy that was in her throat," an emotional Linda explains.
Linda also has 9 grandchildren, and is relieved that they were not there Saturday, because where her dog was attacked is the same spot her grandchildren play.
"I just thank God that it wasn't a child, or my husband, or me, or my grandchildren," a relieved and grateful Nell says.
Neighbors say the dogs were acting out of character, and that they could have been infected by a raccoon roaming their neighborhood.
"The raccoon has been around for the past week and a half, its been the last couple of days that they've been real loud, barking, and going crazy in the pen," explains one neighbor.
We reached out to the owners of the two pit bulls and they say at this time they have no comment. We also reached out to the Absecon Police Department and Animal Control, but could not be reached for comments.