Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stockton woman attacked by pit bulls said dogs worked as team in attack

CALIFORNIA -- A Stockton woman is still in the hospital Tuesday night, four days after a brutal attack by a pair of pit bulls.

With bruises, bite marks, and more than 100 stitches all over her body, Samantha Williams isn't sure when she'll be able to walk on her own again, much less leave the hospital. From her hospital bed Williams described where two pit bulls bit her face, arm and leg.

Williams was attacked by the two dogs while visiting her boyfriend, who was staying with the owner of the dogs.

"These dogs had always been okay with me before, but we still watched them, but I didn't realize that there was no one else in the house," Williams explained.

Williams' boyfriend Anthony Morel had gone to a nearby store when the dogs entered the bedroom where Williams was alone.

"The dog came in the room, barked, and the littler dog that looks just like him jolted at me, and then that's when the big one who barked," Williams recalled. "The dog, like sicked the other one on me. That's what it felt like."

Both Williams and her boyfriend insist, they don't have anything against pit bulls, they said the owner is the problem.

"They're pretty cool dogs, but it's all on the owner," Morel said. "No matter what dog it is, poodle, whatever."

The dogs' owner Jason White said animal control took the dogs and placed them in quarantine. White said he felt bad about Williams getting bit by the pit bulls.

"I didn't want her getting bit. She's my friend too," White said.

However, White said the dogs didn't know Williams well, and he warned her not to be alone with them.

"I can't help that. That's their natural instincts," White said. "I didn't train them to do that."

But Williams believes what happened to her was anything but natural.

"I've had pit bulls myself, and they could be the most loving things or they could be the most horrible things," Williams said. "I think it's what they're around and what they're taught and what they're allowed to do."

White said he hopes to have his dogs returned to him after 10 days, but Stockton police said that will depend on the outcome of the animal control investigation.

( - June 11, 2013)