Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Victim describes dog attack at Moore Street Park

VIRGINIA -- The woman attacked by a pit bull Friday evening is home recovering after hours of surgery; a woman and her six-year-old daughter were attacked by a dog they were walking.

Every time Lisa Manis looks at her bandages she's reminded of two things -- a vicious dog attack and how thankful she is for her children's safety. "I would do anything for my babies, I really would. My life is less important than theirs," says Manis.

Manis proved how much her children mean to her when a pit bull they walked to the park attacked her daughter. "He about ripped my arm off because I had the leash wrapped around my arm and he literally just got away and took off toward her," adds Manis.

Manis tells us she took off running for the swing set when she saw the dogs running for her child. "He latched onto her calf muscle and jerked her off the swing. Immediately I was on his back and somehow or another I jerked his jaws open," says Manis.

When Manis finally got the dog's jaws open, she told her daughter to run. That's what she did; she ran for help and called 911.

Her daughter was free but Manis was the next victim. "He immediately turned around and latched onto me. I pulled him off but he was so quick he would bite into another spot," says Manis.

Manis tells News 5 she fought the dog for 10 minutes until she couldn't fight anymore. “I was about to give up. That's when [the dog] grabbed hold of my foot and he just started jerking me around in circles, basically trying to pull my foot off. I just couldn't fight him anymore," says Manis.

Just as Manis had given up, some people at the park came to her rescue and were able to pull the dog off of her. Click here to read more about that story.

The battle wasn't over when she arrived at the hospital -- she was in surgery for four hours. "There was no skin basically on my legs to put them back together," adds Manis.

Now Manis is healing at home and not able to walk, but thankful she was able to save her daughter.
We're told the dog's owner was out of town on Friday. Someone else was watching the dog at the time of the attack.

The dog was put down after the attack.

Police do not expect anyone to be charged.

(WCYB - June 17, 2013)
