Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pensioner bitten on the hand trying to rescue his blind pet

UNITED KINGDOM -- The elderly owner of a blind and deaf dog was bitten just moments after an attacker threw his pet round like a “rag doll” while on a walk.

Peter Gray, 69, of Carnegie Gardens, Luton, says the “wicked” attack happened on Friday at 2pm when he and his wife Pamela, 80, took Purdy for a short stroll in Great Bramingham Wood.

The Border collie was “charged upon” by a bull terrier who then launched a violent attack on the 14-year-old dog before turning on Peter and biting his hand.

Peter said: “With it being quite warm we walked through the woods because it is cooler, but not long after we got there, this dog came charging towards Purdy, got hold of her leg and started whirling her around like a rag doll.

“She must have been so frightened because she cannot see. It was a hell of a job to get it off her. It was a strong dog let me tell you. I managed to pull it off eventually but before I could get it properly away from Purdy it came back and bit me.

“After a couple of minutes the owner came over and kicked his dog to get it off my hand, then put it on a lead and walked off without an apology or anything.

“It was quite painful and bleeding quite a bit, but to be honest I was more interested in how Purdy was.”

Purdy was rushed to the vets where she needed stitches, costing the Grays £400, and forcing Peter to the L&D’s A&E where he was patched up and put on antibiotics.

Peter said: “The vet was a bit dubious to put her under anaesthetic at her age, but as it happened she came through it OK. The poor girl would have had to be put down if she couldn’t be put under.

“She is in shock and not eating at the moment. She’s hobbling around the garden because we can’t take her out on a walk until she is better.

“She has come through it touch wood, but I do not like the idea of that dog off the lead and able to hurt someone else or their dog.

“You cannot trust these dogs. It is the way they are bringing them up, it’s not the dogs it’s about the owners.  It’s wicked, whatever it is.”

After reporting the incident to Beds Police, the couple made a statement and photos were taken of Purdy and Peter’s injured hand.

Peter added: “It has really upset my wife because she walks that dog twice a day every day. She gave the young lad a mouthful that’s for sure.

“But things can only get better. Hopefully someone will come forward so we can find out who did this.”

(Luton Today - July 14, 2013)