Friday, August 16, 2013

Family upset after new neighbour's dogs attack pet

CANADA -- Calgary family is furious, after their new neighbour’s dogs attacked a beloved pet.

 The pit bull terriers arrived in the southwest community of Coach Hill just two weeks ago, and moved in beside the Domagala family.


The Domagala’s say their beagle /hound mix, Arlo, was inside their home while contractors installed new windows, when one of the terriers got inside through an open door.

Arlo followed it outside, at which point both terriers turned on him, biting him on his torso and neck.
Samm Domagala says it’s lucky he survived.

“He has five or six bite marks, two very significant, one’s right around the neck,” she says. “Basically one dog got ahold of him under the neck from the looks of the bite marks, and then they just tried to shake [Arlo].”

The neighbor has offered to pay the $3,600 vet bill, and Bylaw Services has also fined them. This is the terriers’ first offence.

( - Aug 14, 2013)

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