Friday, August 16, 2013

Officers Shoot Guard Dogs Attacking Man

PENNSYLVANIA -- Police officers opened fire, killing a guard dog, early this morning after the dogs violently attacked a war veteran as he walked home.

The dogs got loose from a used car/towing lot at Cobbs Creek Parkway and Woodland Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday.

 The dogs, both Boxers, attacked the man as he walked home from a nearby corner store, according to Philadelphia Police.

Someone called 911 after hearing screams. When officers arrived they found the Vietnam War vet, identified by neighbors as “Mr. Terry,” with both dogs on top of him, biting him.

“It was Mr. Terry getting chewed up by two dogs, even when the police got here the dogs were still chewing on him,” said a neighbor who asked to only be identified as Bruce.

According to police, the officers first tried to Taser the dogs but that didn’t stop the attack so officers opened fire, killing one of the Boxers. The other dog was obviously shaken and possibly hit by the gunfire. Animal control officers eventually corralled the dog and took it away.

“(Officers) saw the attack going on, they saw this man was in danger,” said Philadelphia Police Lt. John Walker. “They attempted to get these dogs off but they weren’t letting go so they used Tasers and unfortunately that didn’t affect either one of the dogs so they had to use their weapons.”

The victim was rushed to the hospital where he was treated for bites to his arms, legs and head.

Bruno Casimiro who owns First Class Towing and Recovery told NBC10 over the phone that his dogs never attacked anyone before and often even play with young kids in the area. He did however say that the dogs got out a few weeks ago when someone tried to break through the fence.

Casimiro said he hoped to visit the victim in the hospital and to try and figure out what provoked the attack.

Police continue to investigate. The officers involved were put on administrative leave as is normal operating procedure following a shooting.

(NBC 10 Philadelphia-Aug 13, 2013)

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