Saturday, August 10, 2013

Girl undergoes 4 hours of surgery after picking up pit bull's puppy

NEBRASKA -- A 7-year-old girl underwent four hours of surgery after being bitten in the face by a female dog with new puppies.

A female pit bull attacked the girl on the side of her face Tuesday night after the child picked up one of the dog's puppies.

The 20-month-old dog had just given birth to her first litter of puppies 12 hours earlier.

First-time dog breeder Sade Troester said it happened when her daughter's friend attempted to pet the mother who was nursing her puppies at the time.

[Did anyone bother to ask her why she's breeding pit bulls? Aren't there enough of them being put to sleep at shelters for lack of good homes?]

The dog and her puppies are being held at the Humane Society while the adult dog is being observed for the next 10 days, as required by law after a bite, Dethloff said.

Troester says she doesn't want to see the dog get put to sleep, but she also doesn't feel comfortable letting her back in her home.

A condition for the girl wasn't available Wednesday, but Dethloff said she didn't believe the injures were life-threatening.

( - Aug 8, 2013)