Saturday, September 21, 2013

Horse savaged in dog attack

UNITED KINGDOM -- A horse riding instructor who saw her young pupil thrown off a pony after it was savaged by a dog has called for owners to show more respect for other animals.

Lucy Pearson said she could only watch helplessly as a Staffordshire bull terrier tore down Smelting House Lane in Barlow and attacked the pony, which was being ridden by five-year-old Amelia Moreton.

“The dog came tearing down the lane and just went for him” said Lucy, of St Philips Drive, Hasland. “He freaked out. Amelia was thrown off him and he ran off. She was screaming.”

The pony – named Jack – was eventually found by Lucy, who noticed three bloody bite marks on his leg and stomach. His skin was also torn from where the dog had bitten him and refused to let go, she said.

“I don’t think dogs should be kept on leads at all times, it is just about respect” she added. “If you see a horse coming, make sure your dog is under control.

“The dogs have a right to be there but horses have a right not to be attacked.”

A police spokesperson said they are trying to trace the dog’s owner following last Friday’s attack. Jack is recovering at home in Barlow.

(Derbyshire Times - Sept 17, 2013)

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