Thursday, September 26, 2013

United Kingdom: Owner fights to save cat savaged by dogs

UNITED KINGDOM -- A WOMAN is devastated after her beloved cat was viciously attacked by a pack of dogs.

Lynne Burningham has hit out against ‘irresponsible’ pet owners who she says are to blame for such incidents.

She rushed to rescue her treasured cat Daisy when she spotted the frightened feline surrounded by four dogs outside their home on Coombe Farm in Litton Cheney.

The traumatic incident now means 18-year-old Daisy may have to undergo major surgery after one of her legs was left ‘hanging off’.

Ms Burningham, who works for the RSPB and lives with her partner Ian Pinchess, said: “It really was horrible to see.

“Daisy ran off after and it took us two hours to find her hiding in the neighbour’s garden. The worst thing is we don’t know if she would survive the operation so for now she will remain in a cast.”

Despite signs around the farm asking people to keep dogs on a lead, Ms Burningham claims most owners ignore this.

She added: “On the whole most owners have their dogs close to them, but there are some who let their dogs run so far ahead it is impossible to control them. I just don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

The injured pet could now face her broken leg being pinned undergoing major surgery at a cost of £800.

Her distraught owner said: “The stress and pain this has caused our pet and us has come about from a totally irresponsible dog owner. We don’t have insurance as it is not something we thought we would need around here.”

She added: “I worry what may happen next if this individual and others continue to act in this way.”

Calie Rydings, spokeswoman for the RSPCA, said: “Legally dog owners should have charge and control of their animals in a public place. “We are asking dog owners to act responsibly to ensure tragedies such as this are prevented. You may think your dog is well behaved and would never chase or attack another animal or person but you do not necessarily know how your dog will react in different situations.

“Many animals are protected by law and you could face prosecution if your dog attacks and kills. It is important for dog owners to remember they are ultimately responsible for what their pet does.”

(Bridport News - Sept 26, 2013)

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