Thursday, September 26, 2013

NJ Dog Becomes Victim of Unleashed Dog Attack

NEW JERSEY -- Whether your area has an official leash law or not, keeping your pet under your control is an important part of pet ownership. Doing so can help to protect not only your own pets, but other pets, and people, as well. It doesn't matter how friendly you think your dog is, even the sweetest of dogs can attack under the right circumstances.

Jersey City resident Renee Collette unfortunately experienced just how nasty off leashed dogs can be. On August 26th, her dog, Cosmo, was attacked by an unleashed dog. Collette's daughter was walking Cosmo, safely on a leash, at the time of the attack.


The dog who attacked Cosmo was unleashed inside an unsecured yard. The dog, who was later discovered to be unlicensed, bit Cosmo numerous times and almost completely ripped off one of his paw pads. Cosmo also suffered from two broken metacarpals that may require additional surgery to repair.

Cosmo is recovering from his injuries, but still has a lot of healing to do. His vet bills have been expensive, and his ordeal is not yet over. Cosmo still has weeks of X-rays, splint changes, and medication ahead of him. Even after he heals, Cosmo's vet says that his paw injury will most likely cause him to develop arthritis in the future.

After all they have been through, Collette expresses a selfless wish to help protect others from having to experience the same type of situation. "The issue is that we live on a populated street with many dogs (of all sizes) and many children, and that unleashed dogs are hazardous. This area is overpopulated with many apartments, people and animals, and this has to stop." This incident was the 3rd time that one of the Collette's animals have been charged at by off leashed dogs. Luckily, her dogs were uninjured in the other 2 altercations.

Hopefully Cosmo's story will help to raise awareness about the dangers of unsecured dogs. Despite his horrible injuries, Cosmo was lucky to have survived his attack. Not all dog attack victims are so lucky.

Their is currently a fundraiser being held to help fund Cosmo's medical bills. Please consider donating if you can. Every little bit helps!

(Examiner - Sept 25, 2013)

1 comment:

  1. what kind of dog did this if its not too ignorant to ask.
