Friday, September 20, 2013

Residents seek pit bull ban after dog killed

MICHIGAN -- Residents are seeking a pit bull ban in the city after their dog was killed about 6:30 a.m. Sept. 12.

The dog’s owner took his poodle for a walk on Monroe, west of Katherine, when a pit bull charged toward them.

He told officers the dog began to bite and tear his dog apart.

After kicking it several times in attempt to scare it away, he used the baseball bat he carries for protection to hit the dog.

The wooden bat broke in half and the pit bull continued to attack his dog.

Officers arrived and made the decision to put the dog down by gunshot for the safety of others.
After being shot, the dog ran into a yard on Katherine.

As it attempted to leap over a fence, officers fired two more shots and the pit bull was killed.

A witness said he also was attacked by the dog while he was walking up to his house from his vehicle.

He said the large pit bull ran toward him and almost knocked him down.

The man told officers that in fear of being attacked further, he quickly got into his house.

In the police report, the poodle was observed to have heavy bite marks on the neck and stomach.

The man’s wife said she is seeking to start a petition to have pit bulls banned in the city to prevent this incident from occuring to someone else.

She said it is becoming an increasing problem in their neighborhood where pit bulls are getting loose.
The couple will be bringing up the topic at the city council meeting at 8 p.m. on Tuesday and are encouraging others to attend to support the ban.

(Dearborn Press and Guide - Sept 20, 2013)

1 comment:

  1. ... And next, Pit Bulls will attempt to overthrow the government, sway the global economy, and take the lead in the arms race.

    Its a wonder our society has held the superior position over this breed as long as it has.
