Thursday, September 26, 2013

Victim catches dog-attack thug on camera

UNITED KINGDOM -- A dog owner is being hunted after his  Japanese attack dog savaged a man in broad daylight.

Philip McMullen, 28, was left with a large gaping wound in his arm after the  attack in Levenshulme.

Both the dog and its owner – who held onto the animal’s lead throughout –  are at large. The man had a young girl with him. Police and Philip are urging anyone who knows the man’s identity to come forward.

He was leapt on by the Akita dog near McDonald’s on Lloyd Road at 5.30pm.

Philip, of nearby Highfield Road, says his 4in x 2in open wound may need a skin graft. He may also require orthopaedic treatment if doctors decide the bone is damaged.

Philip claims the dog’s owner offered to pay him if he agreed not to go to the police.

Despite having blood pouring from his arm, Philip managed to take a picture of the man after the attack on Saturday, September 7.

Philip, a sales assistant for mobile phone firm O2, said: “I was walking down the street and the next thing I know this dog is jumping up towards my face and attacking me. I could hear the sound of his teeth. I put my arm up to protect myself. The dog latched on to my arm and chewed it up. The attack lasted seven to 10 seconds but seemed a lot longer.

“I’m taking daily painkillers. It’s such a big wound that when they did surgery they couldn’t close it. There’s a possibility that I may require a skin graft.”

Philip says his life has changed since the attack. He is unable to return to work until October 6 at the earliest. He said: “I’ve been thinking about it all the time. I’m worried about going outside because a lot of people have dogs. Now any type of dog makes me nervous. Somebody is going to know this person. He is local to Levenshulme and I want to see him brought to justice.”

Childminder Tracy Beaman, 43, watched the attack from her window. She ran out of her house on Lloyd Road with a towel to bandage the wound. She said: “The dog just took a chunk out of his arm. The lad was very shaken. He was shouting for help.

“If the dog has done that once it will do it again. He lives round here. I have seen him before but we haven’t seen him or the dog since.”

A GMP spokesman said: “We are looking for an Asian male aged 30 to 35, 5ft 10in and of medium build. He has short, dark hair and stubble. He was wearing a cream coloured hat. The victim has suffered extremely serious injuries and we are looking for the owner and the dog. We urge anyone who has information about the incident to come forward.”

(Manchester Evening News - Sept 25, 2013)