Thursday, September 26, 2013

Neighbor rescues teen attacked by pit bull

WISCONSIN -- Neighbors are still very shaken up after a pit bull attacked a 17-year-old girl near Grantosa Drive and 76th Street. But the quick thinking of one man and his son may have saved her life.

That man and his son prefer to stay anonymous, but they came to the rescue of that girl.  The man had just gotten home from work; he heard the sound of a girl screaming.

He ran out of the house - grabbed a shovel.  But the dog wouldn't stop attacking.

“I shot it so it wouldn’t attack anyone else because it was thirsty for blood,” says the hero’s son. “It wasn’t going to stop because it kept lunging at me.”

The 14-year-old followed his dad out of the house, carrying a gun.  The two exchanged a single glance - and the son fired - hitting the dog in the shoulder.

“Normally you don’t want to hurt anyone’s dog,” explained the teen’s father. “But when a dog did what it did, obviously it was a mean, vicious dog.”

Neighbor Patricia Conrad looked out of her window and saw the girl on the ground in front of a garage.

There was more blood on the alley than I can imagine,” remembers Conrad. “That dog really chewed that young lady up good.”

Father and son said they acted on instinct - and don't think of themselves as heroes.

(TodaysTMJ4 - Sept 24, 2013)


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