Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cat shot in both eyes with pellet gun loses fight with life

CANADA -- Sona, the second cat rescued by the Society For The Care And Protection of Animals to gain world-wide attention and support, was euthanized on Friday.

Gwen Samms, president of the society, said in a prepared release that a recent trip to the Atlantic Veterinary College in PEI for a CT scan indicated Sona had a very aggressive cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

There was a tumor on the side of her face invading the skull bones, the nasal cavity, and getting close to spreading to her brain.

“The news was devastating. Unfortunately it was inoperable and our only option was to bring her home and give her the best of care until it was time for her to transition to the Rainbow Bridge," she said.

Dr. Bailey in PEI and Dr. Beth Marshall at the Avalon Animal Hospital in St. John's believe the cancer developed because of the inflammation caused by the horrible injuries sustained after being shot in the face with a pellet gun. In spite of the abuse, however, Samms says the courageous feline never stopped fighting.

"At the time we didn't know what it was — what had happened to her eyes — until they done X-rays at the clinic, and that's when they discovered that she was shot in both eyes."

"We think that somebody must have held her on. To get both eyes, that would be too much of a coincidence — a fluke — to do it from a distance, to shoot a cat twice and get her in both eyes," Gwen Samms, head of SCAPA said.

She said while Sona lost her personal battle but the war against animal cruelty and abuse is far from over and continues to be fought by animal advocates world-wide.

(The Western Star - Oct 22, 2013)

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