Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dogs, puppies seized from alleged Soledad hoarder

CALIFORNIA -- The SPCA for Monterey County rescued 30 dogs and puppies from a Soledad house filled to the brim with furniture, trash, boxes and garbage.

On Saturday, SPCA workers received a call from Soledad Animal Control asking for assistance with a suspected hoarding case on Ticino Street, according to a release. Upon arrival, workers discovered numerous dogs and puppies in deplorable conditions.

During the initial visit, workers removed 11 dogs and 10 puppies. On Monday, workers returned with a warrant to seize a remaining nine dogs.

Conditions inside were unsanitary and unlivable.

“In order to move throughout the house, one must walk sideways through narrow, hazardous walkways,” Director Beth Brookhouser said. “Interior surfaces in the house are covered in feces, urine, animal hair and spider webs.”

An overwhelming smell of ammonia and feces permeates the home and throughout the property workers saw hundreds of live rats and mice.

Rescued animals included Shih tzus, Chihuahuas and rat terriers. Many are matted, covered in feces and urine, and display health issues consistent with hoarding and neglect. Common symptoms include very long and untrimmed nails and severe skin issues related to flea infestations.

Veterinary exams will be completed within 24 hours.

This was the fifth large-scale rescue operation performed by the SPCA for Monterey County. Other cases include a Seaside hoarding in July 2012, a Monterey hoarding in April, the St. Francis All Creature Rescue & Sanctuary in June and a Greenfield hoarding in August.

Both Seaside and Monterey hoarders have been convicted. Charges have been filed against the St. Francis owner and submitted to the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office in the Greenfield case.

Nearly 200 animals were rescued during these SPCA investigations.

Charges will likely be submitted to the DA’s office in the Soledad case.

(The Californian - Oct 22, 2013)

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