Thursday, October 24, 2013

Man's Dog Attacked by Rottweilers

VIRGINIA -- James Hall's little beagle, Lisa, is lucky to be alive after she was attacked by two large Rottweilers.

The attacked happened in the backyard of the arbors, an independent living facility for seniors in Richmond.

Hall says he was walking his dog early in the morning last week when the two Rottweilers came down the hill charging at his Beagle.

"They swooped down just like two buzzards," he says.

Lisa spent the past six days at the vet.

She had two surgeries and may have to have another one because she is still bleeding right now."

Carolyn Pride witnessed the attack and now she and others at the complex are afraid to walk their own dogs fearing they could be next. 

"It's just like you're scared to go out, you're held captive in your own apartment," she says.

They say it's not the first time the Rottweilers have gotten loose.

"They've been out before and they were on one of the ladies' porches once before."

They say they've called Animal Control numerous times but no one has come out, at least not until 8News called them several times today.

The dog's owners were not home for comment.

A spokesman for the city tells 8News that Animal Control is aware of the situation and it is under investigation.

(WRIC - Oct 22, 2013)


  1. The owners are the ones that should be held responsible, not the dogs.
    Proud Responsible Rottweiler & Pittbull owner!!

    1. You cannot change this particular Rottweiler's ingrained desire which is to kill other animals at every opportunity. The dog must be held responsible as it would be irresponsible to give this dog to someone else and risk someone else's pet or child being attacked.

  2. My rottweiler Hercules, is a spoiled pampered 7 year old dog. For the second morning in a row a small lab mix puppy, has been able to find his way into our backyard. My dog did not kill him. Our dog has not been raised to kill. He is an inside dog and been raised with a pit bull in a home filled with love.
