Friday, November 22, 2013

Bakersfield family devastated after dog was attacked and killed by neighbor's dogs

CALIFORNIA -- A Northwest Bakersfield family is devastated over the death of their pet dog who was attacked by three other dogs over the weekend.

Bakersfield Police Spokesperson Sergeant Joe Grubbs told 23ABC dogs must attack two times within 36 months for animal control to take further action.

But that's not good enough for Kiley Roberts.

Roberts told 23ABC her husband found their pug Sophie lying dead in their backyard Sunday morning.

“He told me not to come out because the fence was down over there and the dogs had gotten Sophie,” said Roberts.

Roberts believes her neighbor's two Boston Terriers and Pit Mix broke through the fence and mauled Sophie to death.

"It was horrifying I mean I felt like someone really close to me had just died. It was a horrible feeling.”

Grubbs told 23ABC no one witnessed the attack so animal control can't say which dog killed Sophie.

Animal control also can't make the homeowners lock the dogs up.

Roberts told 23ABC the dogs have made their way through the fence several times before and now she fears for the safety of her two-year-old.

"He could have walked out the door and that would have been him they would have grabbed."

Roberts also said she would like the city to do more to prevent similar incidents so other families don't have to experience the pain that comes with losing a part of the family.

"It's frustrating our kids are devastated. I mean this is a dog we’ve had for eight years and you can’t replace a pet like that.”

According to Bakersfield Police, if the dogs do attack again in someone else’s yard within the 36 months there will be an administrative hearing to determine if the dogs are dangerous or a threat to the public.

(KERO-TV 23 - Nov 21, 2013)

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