Friday, November 22, 2013

St. George boy saves friend during dog attack

UTAH -- A 6-year-old St. George boy was saved by a friend after a dog described as a pit bull attacked him in a neighboring yard Sunday.

Juan J. Castillo Argumedo was playing with his friend, Vincent Barrick, also 6, Sunday morning near the 2700 East block of 10 North Circle when the boys decided to use “country-style steps” that connected two back yards, Vincent’s grandfather Kevin Barrick said.

“The kids had been asking if they could go across the fence to the neighbors,” Kevin said. “The owner of the dog had told my grandson if he stayed close to the north side of (her) fence the dog couldn’t get to them because (the dog’s) chain wouldn’t reach. I came back inside and was doing paperwork, and about three minutes after that I heard a bunch of bloodcurdling screams.”

Kevin said when he got to the steps he could see Vincent pulling the dog up by the collar.

“I couldn’t see Juan at the time, but I could hear him screaming,” Kevin said. “By the time I got there the damage was done. I grabbed the collar out of his hand and grabbed the dog by the hair on his back, but when I went to pull the dog up, he still had a hold of Juan’s cheek.”

Juan said he was climbing the steps to get back to the Barrick’s yard when the dog attacked him.
“First (the dog) bit me on the leg, and then he scratched me on my body,” Juan said.

Kevin was able to get the dog to release the boy after a couple minutes before he handed the dog back to its owner.

Vincent said he was “scared” during the incident, but it didn’t stop him from taking action.
“I didn’t want him to hurt my friend,” Vincent said.

Juan was taken to Dixie Regional Medical Center with his parents, Silvano Castillo and Yesenia P. Argumedo Gomez, and was in surgery for more than six hours. Doctors treated Juan for a laceration from his cheek to his chin, scratches and bites on his torso, a bite on his hand and a large bite on his leg.

He still faces more surgery.

“They gave him stitches,” Silvano said.

Juan had an appointment with a plastic surgeon Tuesday to discuss his next round of surgery, scheduled for Thursday.

“Vincent’s a hero,” Silvano said of his son’s friend. “I will be thankful for the rest of my life that he saved my boy’s life. It’s unbelievable Juan’s still alive.”

Silvano said doctors expected it would be years before Juan would fully recover from the injuries to his leg. Despite the attack, Juan was smiling and enjoying watching cartoons on Tuesday.

“Juan’s a strong boy,” Silvano said.

St. George Police animal control officers have quarantined the dog for 10 days as the investigation continues, St. George Police Sgt. Sam Despain said. The dog’s owner has not been cited.

(The Spectrum - Nov 19, 2013)

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