Scottish SPCA went to the scene after a member of the public called to report that a black and white Border Collie was lying at the side of Hillington Road in Glasgow.
When animal rescue officer Kerry Friel arrived she found a large stuffed toy dog at the roadside instead.
“We do occasionally receive call-outs of this nature from people with genuine concerns for animals, only to find a toy or ornament. In September we were contacted to rescue a distressed owl which actually turned out to be a garden feature.
“I did have a bit of a giggle when I realised the dog wasn’t real as I’m used to dealing with injured animals on a daily basis and it can be very upsetting.”
Last year the charity was called to rescue a five foot-long snake from an Aberdeen woman’s loft only to find a draught excluder.
The most recent incident happened on Friday November 1.
The charity urged people to call its helpline on 03000 999 999 if they believe an animal is in distress.
(Evening Telegraph UK - November 7, 2013)
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