Friday, December 6, 2013

Dog attack victim recalls horrifying experience

NEVADA -- A Las Vegas woman is thankful to have escaped with her life following a pit bull attack Monday afternoon in a southeast neighborhood near Tropicana Avenue and McLeod Drive.

Tracy Mischel was walking two dogs of her own when, she said, three pit bulls appeared to come from nowhere, mauling her and killing one of her dogs.

Mischel was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday, having been bitten on her arms and legs.

"I screamed bloody murder for 20 to 30 minutes. I don't know how long it was. They were shaking him in his mouth," Mischel said.

Mischel said she can live with bruised ribs and countless bite marks.

"See the finger? The meat's coming out. The bites are down to the bone. I'm losing a lot of blood," she said.

What Mischel said she can't live without is her companion of 11 years, JJ, her Pekingese.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I have to have him cremated today. He's my best friend. Anyone who knows me knows I'm always with my dog," she said.


Mischel's other Pekingese, Cookie, survived the attack.

Clark County Animal Control found the dogs in a neighbor's backyard and took them into custody.

The owner, if identified, could face charges for not having the dogs spayed or neutered, allowing them to run wild and failing to have proper identification for the animals.

Mischel said that while she doesn't blame the pit bulls for what happened, she wants them put down for fear another attack could occur.

"I want them dead, and I love dogs. They took my dog's life and they tried to take mine, and I don't think they will ever stop," Mischel said.

Mischel said that if it wasn't for a by-stander who threw bricks at the dogs, she could have died. She recently moved to Las Vegas from North Dakota to take care of her blind mother. She does not have health insurance.

If an owner does not come forward within 10 days, the dogs will be euthanized, according to Clark County Animal Control.

(FOX5 - Dec 2, 2013)

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