Thursday, December 19, 2013

Guide Dog forced to give up training after attack

UNITED KINGDOM -- A GUIDE dog has been forced to quit her training after being attacked by two other dogs in Leamington.

Golden Retriever Lucky was out with a trainer when set upon by two Staffordshire bull terrier type dogs (pit bull) in George Street. The terriers, one of which was muzzled, had managed to break free from a bike they were tied to outside a nearby shop

The owner did manage to pull off the dogs attacking Lucky, but while she fortunately escaped serious physical injury, she was so mentally scarred she has been forced to stop her Guide Dog training.

Guide Dogs Engagement Officer Robert Jinks, said: "As a result of this attack, the Guide Dog has sadly lost all confidence and has had to be withdrawn from the training programme.

"She will no longer be able to fulfil her duties of guiding people who are blind and partially sighted."

The attack is the latest in a worrying trend on Guide Dogs and has prompted a plea to dog owners to ensure their pets are kept under control.

Mr Jinks added: "Each month in this country ten Guide Dogs are attacked by other dogs. The charity is urgently requesting all dog owners to be responsible for the care and control of their own dogs.

"Guide Dogs also urge all members of the public to be aware of the needs of people with a visual impairment.

"To train and support a Guide Dog throughout its working life costs the Charity some £50,000. Lucky will no longer be able to work for Guide Dogs in any capacity."

(Leamington Observer - Dec 12, 2013)

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