Thursday, December 19, 2013

Toddler airlifted to Dallas hospital after dog attack

TEXAS -- A Jacksonville toddler is in a Dallas hospital after being attacked by the family pet.

Jacksonville Police Chief Reece Daniel said a three-year-old little boy, named Konen, beat his family outside to their backyard on Sunday evening.

In the yard were the family's two large dogs, a pit bull mix and a lab mix, each weighing more than 50 pounds.

When the family followed Konen outside, they were alarmed at what they saw.

"One of the dogs had the young man by the coat, they thought by the collar of his coat, but unfortunately it wasn't his coat," Chief Daniel said.

"A pit bull or really any dog that has a really heavy bite, you can't shake them loose. If you do, you create more damage to the victim," Daniel said.

Chief Daniel said a man at the residence stabbed and wounded the dog to get him away from the toddler.

When authorities arrived, they began treating Konen, eventually airlifting him to a Dallas hospital.

"We talked to the mother yesterday and she said he was stable; he has a breathing tube, but the techs also went on to say that he had suffered a stroke, but that he was responsive," Chief Daniel said.

Not knowing if the lab mix had also attacked Konen, Jacksonville Animal Control euthanized both animals and immediately sent them off for rabies testing.

Meanwhile, the family is asking East Texans for prayers, which is exactly what the Jacksonville Police Department is doing.

"We are all praying that he is going to pull through this,"Chief Daniel said.

Chief Daniel said he does not foresee any charges for the family, but will continue to investigate.

If you would like to donate money to go Konen's medical bills, you may donate at any Austin Bank to the "Worship Under the Bridge Konen Fund."

(Jacksonville News - Dec 17, 2013)

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