Thursday, December 12, 2013

Injured dog Lucy limps to find help for her unconscious owner after they are hit by a speeding car

MASSACHUSETTS -- An injured dog has limped to find help for her unconscious owner after they were plowed down by a speeding car while out on a walk.

John Miles was on his daily four-mile walk with Lucy, a husky-beagle mix, in Dorchester, Massachusetts on November 25 when they were hit by the vehicle.

After suffering two broken legs, a broken arm and 15 fractures to his face, Miles passed out and his beloved pet limped to a nearby dentist's office and barked until help arrived.

She then limped back to her owner's side until emergency personnel arrived on the scene, CBS Boston reported.

'What I'm being told is she sat there and she was crying, you know because I couldn't get up,' Miles told the news channel. 'That's the type of dog she is.'

Miles had no identification on him so first responders used Lucy's ID tags to figure out who they were.

Lucy was collected by Miles' son and daughter-in-law, Caitlan Miles.

'We found out that beagles actually cry, they have tear ducts,' she said. 'So after the accident, when I was home with her, she had tears running down her fur. She is walking around lost without him.'

They noticed that she was limping and learned that she had suffered a torn ACL and leg fractures in the crash.

She needs surgery, which will cost more than $5,000, on Friday and a fund has been set up to help cover the costs.

 'This is obviously a terribly sad and worrying time for our family-with my father-in-law facing surgery and months of rehab and our much-loved dog, a hero to all of us, also requiring extensive veterinary care,' Caitlin Miles added to MyFoxBoston.
'We'll do whatever it takes to get her well, of course, as she is everything to us.'

Miles remains in the hospital and will undergo surgery on Thursday.

'I'm very happy that Lucy did what she did,' Miles said. 'Once the winter’s over, if I’m recovered and Lucy’s recovered you can bet we’ll be out doing our walking again.'

Boston police said the car that hit the duo was speeding but no arrests have been made in relation to the incident.

(Daily Mail - Dec 12, 2013)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this story made me cry!
    Good luck to Lucy.
