Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't call Stratford Animal Control if you want a humane response

CONNECTICUT -- To the Editor:

I am disgusted and saddened with what I witnessed on the morning of Tuesday, March 25. Unless I’m naive, but can someone please explain to me, that when dealing with an obviously injured animal, specifically a skunk, why the Stratford Animal Control called backup to bring along a rifle and kill it?

It was a cowardly act and bullying tactic to do that to a probably terrified animal. The skunk showed no outwardly signs of rabies, foaming at the mouth, hissing and wasn’t spraying when approached. It only had trouble walking and could’ve been checked first for a broken leg. This animal had made residence in my backyard where I had seen it wandering for months.

But during the late morning, I was monitoring it roaming about my yard making sure that it was surely injured. Regrettably my hesitation made the difference in time. After the skunk struggled to cross the street, it allowed a thoughtless and clueless neighbor to call the town, which in turn brought a gunslinger police officer to destroy a defenseless animal.

I didn’t have the heart to watch, but heard the two shots from my property. And was it necessary or even safe to kill the skunk in the front yard of a home where small children reside? Certainly this wasn’t a show dog, but it was created from nature and deserved a much kinder, humane treatment, instead of an Old Yeller ending.

And to you, mayor, shame on you, for allowing this cruel procedure. If there isn’t one in place, you should hire an actual veterinarian that can make on-the-scene health determinations, instead of allowing your employees to show absolutely no common sense and compassion for another living creature.

And I regret not calling a private “humane” service and pay out of my pocket to compassionately care for the animal. So, to that innocent creature, I apologize to you for not doing much more on your behalf.

Jennifer Lewshin

(Stradford Star - April 3, 2014)

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