Sunday, June 1, 2014

Woman Reunites With UPS Driver Who Rescued Her From Dog Attack

CALIFORNIA -- A woman attacked by two dogs in February gave heartfelt thanks on Thursday to a UPS driver who saved her in Glassell Park. Months later the victim's legs are still badly bruised.

Gary Pantalone has been a driver for UPS for 28 years and he's seen a lot on the job. But on Valentine's Day when he heard a strangers screams, he didn't know what to expect

"When I was coming down the street, she was frantically yelling 'Help me' and waving her hands, so what I did is I stopped the truck and I ran out," Pantalone

Maya Stewart-Daly was going on her morning walk through her neighborhood in Glassell Park she was attacked by two dogs, an Australian cattle dog and a smaller dog.

"It was just charging at me, its teeth were out, and it just latched onto my leg, and then after that a small dog came and latched onto my other leg, so I couldn't kick them, I couldn't get away," said Stewart-Daly.

She managed to break free and ran to a concrete wall.

"I ended up falling in between the wall and this house and the dogs came around the wall and started attacking my legs again," said Stewart-Daly.

That's when Pantalone jumped into action.

"When I got to the wall, she put her hands up, I grabbed her hands and I just pulled her over the wall," he said.

Thursday, Stewart-Daly reunited with her UPS hero. She still bears the scars from that terrifying day, but says if it weren't for Gary her injuries could have been much worse.

"Thankfully Gary from UPS, he heard me screaming and he came and he saved me and I think he saved my life," said Stewart-Daly.

Stewart-Daly says the dogs that attacked her still live in the neighborhood. She's attending a vicious-dog hearing next week and wants the dogs put down.

(ABC7 - May 31, 2014)

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