Ann-Marie Duhon (Anne Duhon, Anne Marie Duhon, Ann Duhon) was arrested at her home on Mount Pleasant Road near Heavener after deputies served her with a felony arrest warrant, the report states.
When they plead guilty, they were supposed to be on probation for FIVE YEARS. The judge told them they were not allowed to have ANY animals, not even a parakeet.
Upon arrival at the home, deputies told her about the warrant, and she said she had an 11-year-old daughter in her house, and she’d need to call someone to take care of the child, according to the report.
Deputies entered Duhon’s home and noticed “numerous” animals living in the house, the report states.

“There were animals feces all around the house on the floor and other locations in the [home]. Most of the house was covered with insects all around the walls and bathroom area. While looking through the house, I also noticed there was chicken wire on one of the bedroom windows where the glass had been [broken],” the report states.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) was contacted about the animals, and a PETA representative told the deputies that they would take the animals from the residence with an order of seizure from LeFlore County Sheriff Rob Seale, according to the report.
Deputies counted a total of 67 rabbits, four hens, one rooster, one chick, 11 cats and 17 dogs, the report states.
The child was taken to the LeFlore County Sheriff’s Office for an interview, and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services was contacted concerning the girl, according to the report.
Duhon was booked into the LeFlore County Detention Center and faces a charge of animal cruelty.
Anne Marie Duhon posted on Facebook August 27, 2012 ·
Finally all of this crap with the courts is forever over! To set the record straight inspite of what is being posted elsewhere by a bunch of deluded fat cows. The Plea is this:
5 years deferred animal cruelty
5 years deferred child neglect
To run at the same time meaning only 5 years total really
1 year supervised probation
no animals for the 5 years
½ of fines and costs to be repaid to the state/county
The above means instead of the roughly $20,000 in fines we only have to pay back about $7,800 to the state/county, instead of having to check in for the next two years and pay $40 x 2 = $80 a month in supervision fees for two years ($1,920.) we only have to pay $40 x 2 = $80 x 12 months = $960 (another savings of $960 Thank you!) and only check in for One year.
After that we are what is called on paper.
Then at the end of the 5 years we petition the court and have these both REMOVED from our records and it is like it never even happened. And on August 29, 2017 if the world does not end first we will be out getting a herd of animals and not a thing they can do about it with all the money we have saved from not having to pay all those fines!
She is gloating that the charges will be listed on her criminal record as dismissed. She thinks it's because the state had a weak case. This is not true. Typically people who don't have lengthy criminal records are given this. Also, it's typical plea offer when the defendant refuses to surrender the animals. The animals are running up a bill at the local shelter/rescue and also taking up space so they'll offer a better deal in an effort to get the animals surrendered right then and there rather than drag it out another 2 years for trial. It had nothing to do with what she thinks is her innocence. If she wasn't guilty, her attorney would have been successful in throwing ALL the charges out.
So on that note I want to take a moment to THANK Caryn Hass-Bearden, her daughter Candy McCulley and all their friends for this sweetheart of a deal without your big mouths we would have gotten a much stiffer penalty or possibly jail time and been out a LOT more money.
Now I am going to take their “statement” copied from the “hate” page and tear it to ribbons My comments will be Italicized.
Note: None of these comments are appearing as "italicized" on Facebook.
In July, 2011 93 animals were seized from the property of Anne Marie and Shane Duhon, aka, Cajun Country Rescue. The animals were emaciated and crawling in parasites. Animal remains were scattered throughout the property. Over 600 photos and videos, combined with years of complaints to law enforcement agencies, show the extent of the suffering. They show those that survived and those that did not.
My answer:
The raid like it really matters happened in June June 29, 2011 to be exact. There has never been turned over any documentation to ANYONE that the animals were “crawling in parasites or emaciated” even tho those comments have been said by many there are no vet records presented as evidence to substantiate that claim. There were only 250 photos turned over not 600 as claimed any other pictures were inadmissible. The only “remains” were the bones from the slaughterhouse that were gotten weekly to supplement the dogs diet with raw meat. There are no records of any other complaints and it was even said during the preliminary by Dept Landon Dye that there was a file but it was lost. So there is no evidence to support this claim that there were years of complaints filed. We never received any visits from any officer or animal control prior to April 2011 when Caryn and her cronies started the concentrated attack on my rescue and me via the internet and drivebys. She even sanctioned illegal activities to fabricate “proof “ that I was abusing animals by having people trespass on my land, drop off emaciated dogs days before the raid that she had instigated, post lies and slander on the net and numerous other shady activities to have us arrested and destroyed.
Now defense attorney Blake E Lynch, of McAlister OK wants an agreement that gets all cruelty charges against the Duhons dismissed. And the District Attorney has indicated he may agree. The animals need protection.
I'll bet Lynch is regretting ever getting saddled with this woman.

my answer:
First and foremost The DA offered the deal. That is how it works the Da offers and the defense attorneys bargain the offered deal into something “better” for their client(s) The DA KNEW due to mistakes made in handling the evidence, evidence not being turned over, evidence not being documented that he could have the JUDGE dismiss the animal cruelty charges on technicalities and potentially the entire case due to mismanagement. The DA knew that he could not make the animal cruelty charges stick. That is why the animal cruelty charges were dropped in the first place. The DA HAD agreed to drop the animal cruelty charges and offered us a deal of 5 years deferred, 2 years supervised about $20,000 in court costs, jail fees and fines and $1960 in supervised costs. Which we had accepted and agreed to in front of the Judge on Aug 22, 2012. (SEE the difference in the pleas? See what Caryn’s big mouth did??)
Tell District Attorney Jeff Smith that it is urgent that animal cruelty charges against the Duhons are not dropped. There was/is ample evidence of long term cruelty in order to move forward. There are good records and several years of complaints. We want a trial or a plea that includes a conviction for cruelty with a deferred sentence with no animals throughout the time of the sentence.
My answer:
Oh she got what she wanted in NAME only! I really hope that makes her happy. I know she is going to be reading this along with all of the others that wanted to see us hang and I hope you stop patting yourself on the back for just a minute and really think about what your bitching and complaining to the DA really did. Reread the plea and THINK about it. And since I know you all did not stop congratulating yourselves to figure this out our plea unless WE break the law is set in stone and there is not a DAMN thing you can do now. Again I want to THANK YOU for saving us so much time and money!
Please call District Attorney Jeff Smith at 918-647-0462 and tell him that whether or not the Duhon’s have a deferred sentence, you do not want the cruelty charges dropped. Let his office know if you are a registered voter or business owner in Leflore or Latimer County. If you are member of any local business organization or Chamber of Commerce please let his office know that. Please share this information!
My answer
this is a veiled threat towards the DA since he is an elected official. And a ballless one it seems since this small threat changed our agreed apon deal. I wonder how many other deals were made for defendants/plaintiffs and threats like this had them changed? I know that this is the SECOND time Jeff Smith has caved on our case alone due to threats. With a DA as spineless as he is he does need to be booted out of office!
She clearly doesn't have a clue what she's talking about. She took a guilty plea for animal cruelty. If the state didn't have a case, why did she plead guilty?

(KFSM - July 17, 2014)
- Oklahoma: "Cajun Country Animal Rescue Ranch" raided by police. Anne Duhon and Shane Duhon arrested after starving and dead animals found everywhere.
- Oklahoma: Anne Marie Duhon and Shane Duhon, operators of a rescue called "Cajun Country Animal Rescue", say they're confident the animal cruelty charges will be dropped and they plan on re-opening their rescue.
- Oklahoma: Anne Marie Duhon and Shane Duhon said they were running a rescue called "Cajun Country Animal Rescue". Instead, they hoarded nearly 100 animals and starved them to death. Today the plead guilty to animal cruelty and child abuse.
So i am the 11 year old girl who was in this woman's home when she was arrested i am now 17 years old and man have i changed back then it was so bad the living conditions were horrible even though at that young of an age i did not realize it i am so much happier as i am now. This woman is horrible yes she is my mother and there will always be a part of me that loves her but what she has done is excusable and its even worse that now she isnt even in jail she is out and has animals again and who knows how horribly she is treating them. she will never learn her lesson and i believe that she should have gotten jail time for what she did not just let off like she was to go and start a whole new farm in a different state.
ReplyDeleteinexcusable not excusable