Friday, October 10, 2014

Dog killed after it attacks trio of pigs

NEW HAMPSHIRE -- One Siberian Husky is dead, another is in quarantine and three pigs are being treated for their injuries after a middle-of-the-night attack in a resident's backyard pigpen.

A Crane Crossing Road resident awoke around 3 a.m. Sunday to "a ruckus and screaming" coming from his backyard, police said.


The man found two huskies attacking his trio of pigs, each weighing about 250 pounds.

"It was a secure pen," police Chief Lawrence Streeter said. "We're not sure how the dogs got in."

But the two huskies, each weighing between 70 and 80 pounds, did and they went after the pigs with a vengeance, police said.


The swine owner fired a couple of warning shots, according to Animal Control Officer Kimberly Mears. A neighbor heard the noise and came out, too, also firing a warning shot or two, she said.

But the dogs wouldn't give up.

"They tried everything they could to get the dogs to stop — yelling, screaming, firing warning shots," Mears said Thursday. "He had no choice but to shoot the dogs. They were killing the pigs."

One dog died, she said, and the other took off. However, it was later captured and is in quarantine.

(Eagle-Tribune - October 10, 2014)

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