The (Washington) Observer-Reporter says 26-year-old Kimberly Watts, of New Eagle, was sentenced Wednesday by a Washington County judge.

Watts pleaded guilty to cruelty to animals stemming from an incident March 22 in her home, in which her husband, 25-year-old Danny Watts, is also awaiting trial.
Police say Watts first told them she spontaneously stabbed the puppy when it bit her daughter’s lip that day.
Later, police say, Watts confessed that it wasn't a "spontaneous reaction" in an effort to protect her child. Instead, after the puppy had left the room, Kim Watts went and got a knife, went after it and stabbed the animal.

Her husband has pleaded not guilty to injuring a second puppy by throwing it against a wall. Both animals survived.
(Trentonian - Oct 16, 2014)