Kimberly Bond Anderson said she will fight the animal abuse accusations against her. Anderson’s dog, Roadrunner, a Tibetan spaniel, was found in critical condition Sunday night.
Neighbors say he was strangled and beaten by Anderson and thrown off a third floor balcony by her.
Anderson said she would never abuse an animal and that the dog ran out the door and was hit by a car.
“People think that I abuse my animals, I don’t,” she told FOX 4 on Saturday, shortly after she was released from jail. “I refuse to abuse animals.”
Anderson and her fiancé claim Roadrunner and her other dog, Pearl, escaped out the front door when they were heading to the dog park. Anderson said she grabbed Pearl but wasn’t able to get Roadrunner in time and he was hit by a car.
The couple’s friend, Gary Conner, who said he was there the day the incident happened, said they all thought Roadrunner was dead. Conner said he pulled Roadrunner out of the street and left him in the grass while they took the other dog to the dog park.
“We obviously thought he was dead,” Conner told FOX 4 on Saturday. “I mean I saw his eye balls just hanging, a big puddle of blood in the street. Dogs don’t carry that much blood.”
Anderson admitted to FOX 4 she didn’t try to call police or an animal hospital after the incident.
“She got scared,” Conner said.
KC Pet Project staff say roadrunner was chronically abused throughout his life. As of Saturday, Roadrunner was still recovering in a Kansas City-area foster home. According to his foster family he is eating, drinking and doing normal “dog things.” A company is working to donate a “halo” for Roadrunner to wear so he won’t bump into things.
Anderson told FOX 4 her neighbor lied to investigators when they reported she threw her dog off the balcony. Anderson said she didn’t strangle the dog. Conner said when he pulled Roadrunner out of the street the harness injured the dog.
“They saying that he was choked, my explanation for that, the harness goes around the part of the neck and when I reached down to get him it was all dead weight,” Conner said.
Anderson said she will not fight to get Roadrunner back because she fears someone will hurt her if she does. She told FOX 4 Saturday he would be better off in another home.
“If people think she could abuse a dog like that they are crazy,” said Darrell Doran, Anderson’s fiancé. “She would not do anything like that, I’ve been with her for two months and watched her with those dogs and she never mistreated those dogs.”
Roadrunner was rushed from KC Pet Project to BluePearl Veterinary Partners, where he had surgery. Unfortunately, due to facial trauma he suffered, veterinarian surgeons had to remove both his eyes.
Chris Hernandez, Director of City Communication, said in an e-mail “Due to the severity of the alleged abuse, the case has also been presented to state prosecutors for higher level charges. If the state pursues charges, those would supersede the city charges, which would then be dropped to allow the state prosecution.”
The city-issued animal abuse charge carries a penalty of up to a $1,000 fine and up to 180 days in jail if Anderson is found guilty. She will face a court day in about ten days.
(Fox4KC - Dec 1, 2014) (CBS Springfield)
i hate humans