Monday, December 15, 2014

New Boston couple arrested for animal cruelty

IOWA -- A Mercer County woman has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty, and a Mercer County man will appear in court Dec. 31 on the same charges.
On Monday, Deanna M. Minteer, 46, of New Boston, pleaded guilty to one Class A misdemeanor unlawful inhumane care for animals and one Class B misdemeanor of the same charge. A third count of unlawful inhumane care for animals was dismissed.

Ms. Minteer was sentenced to 30 days in jail and 24 months conditional discharge. She also was fined $300 and prohibited from owning dogs on property jointly owned with Rick Bewley.


Mr. Bewley, 60, also of New Boston, faces the same charges and is scheduled for a 10 a.m. court appearance on Dec. 31.

The charges for both allege that on Dec. 3, they were owners of three dogs, an unaltered white female Maltese, an unaltered brown female pit bull, and an unaltered small black and white male terrier.

Veterinarian Tiffany Yerkey of Viola scored the condition of the three dogs at a one on a scale of one to 10, with one being the poorest condition.

Ms. Minteer pleaded to failing to provide proper food, water, shelter and veterinary care for the animals. A count of having a log chain around the neck of the male terrier was dismissed after she pleaded guilty to the first two counts.

Arrest warrants for Ms. Minteer and Mr. Bewley were issued last week by the Mercer County Sheriff's Department.

(QCOnline - Dec 11, 2014)

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