Monday, December 15, 2014

Pit bull kills dog, owner starts neighborhood petition

AUSTRALIA -- Pet owner Armando Diaz always tends to his garden with his Shih Tzu, Gizmo, at his side.

But on Dec. 5, the 73-year-old didn't notice him wander off.

"He usually just stays right by me when we're outside; I never put him on a leash," Diaz said.

In a matter of minutes, Gizmo made his way around the corner to the 200 block of Versailles Street.
Gizmo walked right into the path of Roberto Mendoza, 84, walking his daughter's pit bull on a leash.

The pit bull attacked Gizmo, dragged him several feet and killed the 10-month-old dog.

"I tried my best to hold on to her; I just couldn't," Mendoza said.

Diaz has started a petition and filed a community affidavit with Victoria County Health Department, which states he wants the dog to be euthanized.

"Some neighbors said the pit bull was shaking him like a rag doll," Diaz said. "I just couldn't believe when I saw him laying there, dead in a pool of blood."

Mendoza and his daughter, Rachel Mendoza, moved to the neighborhood several weeks ago.
Those that have lived there for many years describe it as a close-knit community.

"We all know one another here," Diaz said. "We walk our dogs, and we sometimes don't even use leashes because we know it's safe."

Neighbor Silvia Delgado, who often watched Gizmo, said she worries the pit bull's next target may be a human.

"There are a lot of disabled people that walk around on their walkers here," she said. "I am also afraid for my own safety. We are all very uncomfortable with that dog here."

Mendoza said the pit bull has never projected violent behavior toward humans or animals.
He still doesn't feel it poses a threat to people.

"That dog is a rescue dog," Mendoza said. "I know that she has been attacked by an animal before, so maybe that's why she went after this dog."

He said he and his daughter are torn because of the deep attachment they have to the animal.

"Rachel has a big heart, and she has always adopted animals," Mendoza said. "We both feel so guilty and bad for the other dog, but we can't imagine putting her to sleep."

Diaz has already collected 55 signatures in the past week, though he said chances of euthanizing the pit bull are slim.

"When I went to talk to the city, they said they can't euthanize the dog because it killed another animal," Diaz said. "But why wait? It is not right."

The Mendoza family said they hoped Diaz would understand the difficult situation they are in.
"Just like he loved his dog, we love ours," Mendoza said. "We don't know what goes on in an animal's head. I don't know why she attacked."

He said with a one-year rental agreement it would be difficult for them to move out the neighborhood.

The owner of the housing complex could not be reached for comment.

Diaz said he will file a suit against the owner for renting to tenants with a pit bull.

"You cannot distinguish a human from a dog. Sometimes, they are more human than us," he said. "Something has to be done about this. I just want to feel safe in this neighborhood."

(Victoria Advocate - ‎Dec 13, 2014‎)

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