Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pit bull owner punished after his pets kill neighbor's dog

OKLAHOMA -- A pet owner finally sees justice a week after her dog was killed by a pack of pit bulls.

Patti Sanders’s pet Chihuahua "Finders" was pulled through the fence in her midtown Tulsa backyard by a pit bull, drug to another yard, where three other pit bulls helped kill him.


Wednesday, the owner of those dogs received a citation and voluntarily gave up his four pit bulls to authorities.


They were euthanized, because the shelter considered them dangerous. There was also a puppy that was given to the shelter.

Today, Sanders is finally at ease knowing her other dog Keepers is no longer at risk.


“They're out there to kill, that's it, they don't just bite somebody, they want to kill it, so I feel much better that they're gone,” Sanders said.

The pit bulls owner is being charged with a misdemeanor for having a dog that killed another.

He will have to appear in court later this month.

(KJRH - Dec 3, 2014)

1 comment:

  1. Good. Happy thse dogs were all euthanized. That's what needs to happen everytime they kill another innocent pet EVERYTIME!!!
