Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dog attack victim: I'm concerned about prevention'

ALABAMA -- Barbara Sowell has more than two dozen puncture wounds in her arm after a dog attacked her while she was running downtown.

The 59-year-old was running down Fifth Street in Prattville on Monday and said as she turned left onto Lower Kingston Road, she heard a bark and turned to look, and "the next thing I knew, it happened so fast ... I heard his chain behind me and I turned around and he knocked me down onto the street."

While on the ground, she said she instinctively lifted her arm to cover her face and received 26 puncture wounds to her right arm. Her left shoulder and hip are bruised from the fall.

Sowell chose to share her story in hopes others will consider properly securing their dogs left outside.

"I'm concerned about prevention," she said. "I can't tell you how many people have told me, 'You should have mace, a gun. ...' But I had no reaction time. Until it happens to you, you don't realize how quickly it happens. Carry a gun? I shouldn't have to carry anything for a person or an animal in defense."

The dog, Sowell was told, was brought by its owner to be euthanized at a local veterinary office on Wednesday.

The city of Prattville strictly enforces its leash law for dogs, which states that dogs must be confined or controlled upon a leash, according to the city's public safety website. Dogs are not allowed to run free, it states. A "dog warden," based at the Autauga County Humane Shelter, is responsible for enforcing the leash law ordinance within the city limits of Prattville.

And, according to city ordinance 10-82 (viscous animal investigations; initiation; results), it reads, in part, that "in the event a vicious animal investigation leads the dog control officer to believe the allegation is founded, the dog control officer will file a summons for the owner of the animal with the municipal court; the animal in question will be impounded at the animal shelter or with a licensed veterinarian; a hearing date will be held in municipal court within 14 days of the date of service; and the animal will be held in impound until the owner complies with all orders of the court."

The ordinance also states the animal will be humanely destroyed if the owner fails to comply with all orders of the court within 20 days of the court's order.

"A dog that has attacked or bitten someone is not to be brought to the shelter," said Claudia Rigsby, shelter director at the Prattville Autauga Humane Shelter. "They have to be quarantined with a vet or euthanized or tested. The police are usually involved, and the animal control officer comes out and helps with capture if need be."

Sowell and her husband, William Sowell, who both are Prattville residents, are discouraged by the city's response. They felt the city should have removed the dog from the property and had it impounded. William Sowell was upset the dog was not picked up that same day, or the following day.

Prattville police chief Mark Thompson said the department has evaluated policies and codes over the past two years to work on strengthening them in the city, and whether there is anything that could have been done quicker, or better.

"We understand their frustration, but at this point, we can evaluate what we can do better," he said, adding the city's "dog warden" has been transferred to another department, which might have contributed to a slower response.

"That's not making an excuse," he said.

Part of a new program Thompson hopes to have in place next year is a patrol canine unit within the department, with officers trained to handle vicious dogs. They would be responsible for responding to viscous dog calls when a dog warden is not available, Thompson said.

"Don't want it to happen again"
Following her second of six rabies shots on Thursday, Sowell told the Montgomery Advertiser she believes the dog was a product of his environment.

"I've been very emotionally-conflicted about putting this dog down," she said. "Everyone thinks I'm crazy for feeling this way. I certainly did not want the dog to attack me, and I certainly don't want it to attack somebody else. And if that's what it takes to prevent it, then, yes, put it down, but that still doesn't keep it from hurting my heart that this had to happen, and I don't want it to happen again."

Neither does Jeff Benefield. He and a friend were cycling on Lower Wetumpka Road when they saw Sowell attacked.

"I just saw the dog come out, and the next thing I knew they were both on the ground," said Benefield, who also lives in Prattville. "I pedaled as quickly as I could to help her.

"Someone came out of the house and got the dog off of her. We stopped and helped her. And another lady took her to the ER ... she was driving and saw it, and helped. Hopefully (Sowell) will be OK and have no lasting effects from the bites."

Sowell, who is training for the Feb. 22 Princess Half Marathon in Orlando, said she never saw the bikes approaching and believes "they were dropped from Heaven. I truly do believe that dog would have killed me on the street, because from the time he left his cage, to the time he had me on the ground, it couldn't have been more than 60 seconds. Had I had to lay there another 30 or 60 seconds ... I don't think I'd be here."

Taken to Baptist Hospital in Prattville, she later was transferred to Baptist South. Sowell will continue training for her race.

"What's been done is done," William Sowell said. "But if we can stop it from happening again to another person ... This is the third time Barbara has been bit by loose dogs in Prattville."

While Barbara Sowell said she is not defending the dog, she feels the owners should face more consequences.

"Yes, they took their dog and had it put down so that dog won't hurt anyone else, but they are still free to go out and get another dog," she said.

Attempts to reach the owners were unsuccessful.

(Montgomery Advertiser - January 23, 2015)

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