Sunday, April 12, 2015

"[The pit bull] was aggressive to other animals, not people," says idiot whose child was almost killed by their pittie

WASHINGTON -- The mother of a Washington boy mauled by the family pit bull is defending her actions and the breed. Her four year old son is recovering from a second surgery to repair injuries to his face. The mother disputes police reports about the attack.

‘I don't hold it against the dog, I don't hold it against the previous owners; it was weird’ says Alissa Evans, mother of the mauled boy.

Weird how Smash, her pit bull's playful demeanor changed suddenly.

‘Like he didn't want to play no more, it was a split second’ continues Evans.

And when I stuck my arm out he bit me and I fell and that's when he got to Gavin Latching onto the face of her four year old son Gavin and wouldn't let go. It took a friend throwing hot coffee on the dog to set Gavin free, bloodied but fortunate.

‘He's a trooper; he was cracking jokes about me to the cops when they got there, and that’s how coherent he was throughout all of this’ says Evans.

But when reports got out that Alissa had just gotten the pit bull off of Craigslist, that she was careless, wasn't around when Gavin was attacked;

‘I'm very upset about that because it makes me look like an unfit parent that didn't do anything. It hurts because nobody knew what happened’ says Evans.

She had gotten Smash two weeks earlier from a neighbor's friend who said the pit bull had been raised around kids.

‘He was aggressive to other animals, not people’ says Evans.

Especially not around her son.

‘I got pictures of him hugging on him, he was the best dog.’


She can't explain why the dog suddenly snapped. Gavin suffered a broken jaw, severe cuts and will need plastic surgery to repair his cheekbones.

Despite what happened, she doesn't want people to prejudge her or pit bulls.

‘It’s sad that he was a pit bull, but it could have been any dog.’

Despite defending pit bulls as a breed, she's asked authorities to euthanize Smash.

(KEYE TV - Apr 11, 2015)


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