Paul Factor, a former middle school teacher for the Yukon school district, stabbed a dog named Lucy in the face while on a drunken rampage.
The judge gave Factor an eight-year deferred sentence 24 days in the Oklahoma County Jail. But he's letting Factor serve those 24 days over 12 weekends so he only has to go in on Friday and can walk right out on Sunday.
Factor also received 100 hours of community service, he must go to anger management classes and alcohol and drug counseling, and he also had to write a $1,021 check to Lucy's owners to pay for her medical bills.
Prosecutors said they received a lot of letters from the public, pushing for a harsh punishment for Factor.
But, Factor had successfully whined and asked the judge for leniency since he has no prior convictions and needs to work to support his kids.
And because of this judge's decision, Factor still won't have a 'prior conviction' because at the end of his probation, this case will be Dismissed (see 'deferred sentencing' definition at bottom).
Factor will begin his 12 weekends of jail time on July 4 weekend.
Factor was silent as he left the courtroom.
In August of 2013, Factor was drunk when prosecutors said he tried to break into a woman's home, then jumped the fence into Beck's Garage where Lucy and other shop dogs were.
Lucy's owners were hoping for more jail time for Factor.
“The fact that he is going to be inconvenienced for twelve weeks and he has to serve the weekends, I'm happy about that, because it's not a happy place to be,” Theresa Beck told News 9.
The knife barely missed Lucy's eye and brain.
“I think it should have been harsher, but I respect it and we can move on,” said Theresa Beck. “Lucy is healthy,” she added.
Factor told the judge a different story in court Friday.
He said a friend threw his keys over the garage fence and he went in to the fenced area to get them.
He said he stabbed Lucy to protect himself, then ran to get help at the woman's home.
“Absurdity, that was absurd, that was not believable,” said Jeff Beck. “It just didn't hold water, but they had to throw it out there I suppose,” he added.
He apologized to the Becks.
“I don't buy it for one second,” Theresa Beck said.
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 240 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Birth Date: 10/6/1967
OK DOC#: 717085
Conviction date: 8 Years
Term code: P&P DEFERRED*
Sentence begins: 6/19/2015
Conviction date:
Term: 8 Years
Term code: P&P DEFERRED*
Sentence begins: 6/19/2015
Conviction date:
Term: 8 Years
Term code: P&P DEFERRED*
Sentence begins: 6/19/2015
* P&P DEFERRED = Probation & Parole Deferred
Deferred sentencing means that no disposition is made (i.e. guilty, not guilty, no contest). As long as Factor doesn't get arrested and/or violate his probation, at the end, the case will be entered in as Dismissed so that Paul Factor will NOT be a convicted animal abuser.
In the eyes of the law, it will be as though he had never jammed this large knife into Lucy's face and then fled like a coward, leaving her to suffer throughout the night.
No matter. We all know what he did and we all know what he is.
Conviction date:
Term: 8 Years
Term code: P&P DEFERRED*
Sentence begins: 6/19/2015
Conviction date:
Term: 8 Years
Term code: P&P DEFERRED*
Sentence begins: 6/19/2015

* P&P DEFERRED = Probation & Parole Deferred
Deferred sentencing means that no disposition is made (i.e. guilty, not guilty, no contest). As long as Factor doesn't get arrested and/or violate his probation, at the end, the case will be entered in as Dismissed so that Paul Factor will NOT be a convicted animal abuser.
In the eyes of the law, it will be as though he had never jammed this large knife into Lucy's face and then fled like a coward, leaving her to suffer throughout the night.
No matter. We all know what he did and we all know what he is.
- Oklahoma: Owner arrives at work, find his Mastiff named Lucy with a knife sticking out of her face
- Oklahoma: Police release picture of suspect Paul Factor who is accused of stabbing dog in the face
- Oklahoma: Lucy the dog recovering one year after being stabbed in the face by Paul Factor
- Oklahoma: Paul Factor, suspected of burglarizing a garage and stabbing the owner's dog in the face, turns himself in