Thursday, August 6, 2015

Illinois: Nicholas Garcia, 24, Killed Neighbor’s Pit Bull Dog With Firecracker, Only Charged With Damaging Property

ILLINOIS -- The Fourth of July holiday is supposed to be one for celebrating independence. Some people set off fireworks as part of the revelry. Only someone with evil intentions would attempt to purposely harm a living creature with the fireworks.

Nicholas Garcia, 24, along with another unnamed suspect set off fireworks behind a home located at 257 E. Jackson Street in Joliet, Illinois, on July 7.

The men “enticed” a neighbor’s pit bull to pick up a firecracker at about 10:50 a.m. The dog showed interest and, unfortunately, did pick a live one up. Garcia reportedly laughed when the dog’s firework exploded in its mouth.

The injuries the dog sustained were so severe, the dog had to be euthanized, according to the Examiner.

The two men fled the scene after the dog was harmed.

Deputy Chief Ed Gregory said that the incendiary device blew off the dog’s upper jaw and part of its lower jaw.

The pit bull’s owner witnessed the horrific deed. The owner tried to intervene but, by the time he was able to, the dog had suffered the terrible injuries.

It’s unimaginable to conceive the shock the owner must have felt for a beloved pet. An investigation is ongoing. However, currently, Garcia is only subject to charges for damaging someone’s property. The warrant for his arrest carries a $50,000 bond.

Aggravated animal cruelty is a Class 4 felony, which is punishable by between three and six years in prison, according to The Times Weekly. It’s not clear that Garcia or the other suspect will face such charges.

The story about the dog’s suffering has gone viral on social media. There are currently online petitions posted on Facebook to try to get justice for the dog and its owner, with over 35,000 signatures.

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