Offender: Tami Harris
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5 ft 3 in
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Birth Date: 3/16/1984
OK DOC#: 727057
Offense: POSS/CDS 1000' SCHOOL/PARK/CHILD (50%)
Conviction date: 9/16/2015
Term: 5 Years
Term code: Incarceration
Sentence begins: 9/30/2015
Status: Active
Conviction date: 9/16/2015
Term: 5 Years
Sentence begins: 9/30/2015
Status: Active
Conviction date: 9/16/2015
Term: 1 Year
Sentence begins: 9/30/2015
Status: Active
Conviction date: 9/16/2015
Term: 1 Year
Sentence begins: 9/30/2015
Status: Active
Current Facility: The Mabel Bassett Correctional Center, McLoud, Oklahoma
Reception Date: 9/30/2015
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Ohio: Diane Campbell gets three years probation for neglecting her dog, Thor
OHIO -- State v. Diane Campbell, a case we prosecuted, investigated by the Ashland County Sheriff's Office with assistance from the Ashland County Humane Society.
Campbell was found guilty yesterday of one count of companion animal cruelty for neglecting her dog, Thor, who suffered from severe skin infections, hair loss over a large portion of his body, flea infestation, severe itching, a severe ear infection and an embedded collar.
The veterinarian, Dr. Donald Kaeser, reported that Thor has "been suffering in this condition in my medical opinion for a very long time. A dog doesn't get in this condition overnight and has been suffering from neglect. A reasonable owner would notice this dog was miserable and needed taken to a vet within a week or less."
Campbell was ordered to surrender all of her animals, and to have no animals for three years.
Campbell will be subject to random inspections. She faces 30 days in jail if she fails to comply. She was also ordered to pay $150 fine and court costs.
(Holland & Muirden, Attorneys at Law - September 29, 2015)
Campbell was found guilty yesterday of one count of companion animal cruelty for neglecting her dog, Thor, who suffered from severe skin infections, hair loss over a large portion of his body, flea infestation, severe itching, a severe ear infection and an embedded collar.
The veterinarian, Dr. Donald Kaeser, reported that Thor has "been suffering in this condition in my medical opinion for a very long time. A dog doesn't get in this condition overnight and has been suffering from neglect. A reasonable owner would notice this dog was miserable and needed taken to a vet within a week or less."
Campbell was ordered to surrender all of her animals, and to have no animals for three years.
Campbell will be subject to random inspections. She faces 30 days in jail if she fails to comply. She was also ordered to pay $150 fine and court costs.
(Holland & Muirden, Attorneys at Law - September 29, 2015)
Minnesota: Serial animal abuser, Kathleen Doenz, violated her probation by getting new animals
MINNESOTA -- Kathleen Mary Doenz (aka Kathy Doenz), 67, of Pokegama Township has admitted violating her probation for animal cruelty by purchasing 29 mini horses just days after being released from jail.
According to the Pine County Attorney’s Office, Doenz left Pine County Jail on Sept. 2 after serving a 90-day jail sentence for felony overworking, mistreating and/or torturing animals.
Her mother and co-defendent Gloria Carlson (aka Gloria Irene Carlson), 87, also of Pokegama Township also pleaded guilty. As part of their five-year probation, both women were forbidden from owning or caring for horses.
Just 10 days later after her release, Doenz had purchased 29 mini horses with the help of Carlson. The Pine County Attorney’s Office reports that they attempted to hide the animals on one of their properties, but that a citizen learned about the purchase and contacted an agent from the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies.
On Sept. 17, the Humane agent met with officials from Pine County’s sheriff’s office, attorney’s office and probation department and began an investigation. That investigation was completed within 24 hours, and Doenz and Carlson were arrested.
The two women remained in custody until Sept. 25 when they admitted violating their probation.
Doenz received another 60 days in jail, and had her sentence converted to a stay of execution. Carlson received 10 days in jail and kept her previous sentencing status.
So basically they did nothing. When you take a plea deal, the judge tells you if you violate the terms of the plea deal then your probation will be REVOKED and you will serve the rest of your sentence IN JAIL. She should have been put in jail for the rest of her five year sentence!
Doenz was previously convicted of cruelty to animals in 2006. She was charged again, but after a 2007 trial 35 criminal charges relating to Doenz’s treatment of birds, horses and dogs were acquitted or dismissed.
Pine County Attorney Reese Frederickson said that prosecutors argued for a stronger sentence in this case because the violations suggested that neither Doenz nor Carlson had learned anything about their crimes.
“Overall, I was proud of the teamwork that led to the almost immediate response and arrest,” Frederickson said, “and thankful to the citizen informant. The horses found new homes and are receiving good care.”
( - Sept 30, 2015)
According to the Pine County Attorney’s Office, Doenz left Pine County Jail on Sept. 2 after serving a 90-day jail sentence for felony overworking, mistreating and/or torturing animals.

Her mother and co-defendent Gloria Carlson (aka Gloria Irene Carlson), 87, also of Pokegama Township also pleaded guilty. As part of their five-year probation, both women were forbidden from owning or caring for horses.
Just 10 days later after her release, Doenz had purchased 29 mini horses with the help of Carlson. The Pine County Attorney’s Office reports that they attempted to hide the animals on one of their properties, but that a citizen learned about the purchase and contacted an agent from the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies.
On Sept. 17, the Humane agent met with officials from Pine County’s sheriff’s office, attorney’s office and probation department and began an investigation. That investigation was completed within 24 hours, and Doenz and Carlson were arrested.
The two women remained in custody until Sept. 25 when they admitted violating their probation.
Doenz received another 60 days in jail, and had her sentence converted to a stay of execution. Carlson received 10 days in jail and kept her previous sentencing status.
So basically they did nothing. When you take a plea deal, the judge tells you if you violate the terms of the plea deal then your probation will be REVOKED and you will serve the rest of your sentence IN JAIL. She should have been put in jail for the rest of her five year sentence!
Doenz was previously convicted of cruelty to animals in 2006. She was charged again, but after a 2007 trial 35 criminal charges relating to Doenz’s treatment of birds, horses and dogs were acquitted or dismissed.
Pine County Attorney Reese Frederickson said that prosecutors argued for a stronger sentence in this case because the violations suggested that neither Doenz nor Carlson had learned anything about their crimes.
“Overall, I was proud of the teamwork that led to the almost immediate response and arrest,” Frederickson said, “and thankful to the citizen informant. The horses found new homes and are receiving good care.”
( - Sept 30, 2015)
South Carolina: County leaders want to force coroner to get rid of their grief therapy kitten
SOUTH CAROLINA -- Morticia the kitten’s days as a grief therapy caregiver at the Lexington County coroner’s office might be numbered..
Coroner Margaret Fisher is seeking to continue keeping the stray kitten in her office as therapy for grieving families instead of giving it up as some county leaders demand.
“It’s been good for everyone, including us,” Fisher said. “She changes the outlook of people.”
Fisher is under pressure from some county leaders to find a new home for the cat, which is rubbing some the wrong way because of concern about allergic reaction to its hair and injuries from bites and scratches that might happen.
“I’ve asked her to find a nice home for the cat,” County Council Chairman Johnny Jeffcoat of Irmo said. “Our liability for that is huge.”
But Morticia is the cat’s meow with Fisher’s staff, becoming their unofficial source of stress relief.
Her name, popularized by the old “Adams Family” TV show, is apt for an office that investigates violent and unexpected death, the coroner said.
Precautions put in place minimize the chance of problems for the public, Fisher said.
Morticia is gentle and spayed with up-to-date immunizations and is handled only upon request and kept in a back room separate from the public, Fisher said.
The kitten needs to socialize with people and be handled in order to qualify as a therapy animal, she said.
If things don’t work out as she hopes, Fisher has offers of new homes for the kitten but is hoping to keep her.
She is appealing the kitten’s eviction to the nine council members, seeking an exception to the rule that pets can’t be kept in county buildings. No discussion is expected on her request for a few weeks.
“If they vote it down, then she goes,” Fisher said. “She’ll go on to another life.”
Fisher brought in the kitten, estimated to be 6 months of age, after it was found roaming on a wooded site near Pine Ridge last spring by her husband, Clifford.
“She’s a true Lexington County wildcat,” Fisher said, referring to the mascot of nearby Lexington High School.
(Myrtle Beach Sun News - Sep 22, 2015)
Coroner Margaret Fisher is seeking to continue keeping the stray kitten in her office as therapy for grieving families instead of giving it up as some county leaders demand.
“It’s been good for everyone, including us,” Fisher said. “She changes the outlook of people.”
“I’ve asked her to find a nice home for the cat,” County Council Chairman Johnny Jeffcoat of Irmo said. “Our liability for that is huge.”
But Morticia is the cat’s meow with Fisher’s staff, becoming their unofficial source of stress relief.
Her name, popularized by the old “Adams Family” TV show, is apt for an office that investigates violent and unexpected death, the coroner said.
Precautions put in place minimize the chance of problems for the public, Fisher said.
Morticia is gentle and spayed with up-to-date immunizations and is handled only upon request and kept in a back room separate from the public, Fisher said.
The kitten needs to socialize with people and be handled in order to qualify as a therapy animal, she said.
If things don’t work out as she hopes, Fisher has offers of new homes for the kitten but is hoping to keep her.
She is appealing the kitten’s eviction to the nine council members, seeking an exception to the rule that pets can’t be kept in county buildings. No discussion is expected on her request for a few weeks.
“If they vote it down, then she goes,” Fisher said. “She’ll go on to another life.”
Fisher brought in the kitten, estimated to be 6 months of age, after it was found roaming on a wooded site near Pine Ridge last spring by her husband, Clifford.
“She’s a true Lexington County wildcat,” Fisher said, referring to the mascot of nearby Lexington High School.
(Myrtle Beach Sun News - Sep 22, 2015)
Woman says police used Taser, killed her dog
CALIFORNIA -- A Coronado dog owner says she’s devastated over the death of her 105-pound Shiloh Shepherd, who died a day after police used a Taser on the animal twice.
“Smokey is not the type of dog that would bite anybody,” owner Roclynn Nosek told NBC7. “He was the sweetest, most loving animal ever. He would lick your face before he would bite you.”
Smokey somehow escaped from Nosek’s second-story condo on Orange Avenue Saturday, and after wandering onto First Street, police say they got reports of an aggressive dog.
“Our officers witnessed the dog lunge at a citizen and try to take a bite, and the dog ultimately charged an officer,” Coronado Police Department Captain Laszlo Waczek told NBC7. “So at this point, the officer had no other choice but to defend himself and defend the public.”
Police said they tried to subdue the dog at two locations and used the Taser on the dog at both locations.
"They didn't have to taser him. Animal control in east L.A., they use a net to get stray dogs," Nosek said.
Officers secured the dog and transported Smokey to an animal hospital, but the dog died hours later from internal bleeding.
"He had the thing around his neck with the pole, he had a muzzle around his mouth, he had been tasered three times. He had blood all over his face. His back legs were tied," Nosek said.
Waczek said it was a matter of public safety to use a Taser on the dog, and said the department would conduct an internal review of what happened and the protocol used when a Taser is deployed.
Nosek says she doesn't blame Coronado police, but thinks there could have been other options to subdue her dog. She said she would like to see a policy change.
“When we opened up the back seat of the car, he knew it was us,” she said. “He heard our voice and he started to wriggle his body the best he could to let us know he was really happy to see us there. It was so difficult.”
Nosek plans to hold a memorial for Smokey to raise awareness about what happened in hopes something similar does not happen to anyone else.
Coronado Police Department Issues Statement Related to Tasered Dog Incident
Coronado Police were involved in an incident over the weekend involving a dog that had been reported to Police by the public as aggressive and was witnessed by an officer lunging at a woman attempting to approach it. The dog was first reported acting aggressively at Centennial Park. It then charged at officers attempting to control the animal at two different locations. The officers attempted to subdue the dog by use of a Taser at these two locations. The dog was eventually secured and transported to an animal hospital, where it unfortunately died the following day.
The use of a Taser or other means of force on an aggressive animal is permissible to protect the public and the safety of an Officer. In this case, officers were dealing with an aggressive animal, had witnessed the dog lunging and biting at a pedestrian and were themselves charged at by the dog and felt an attack was imminent. The Coronado PD is saddened by the death of the dog. - Source: Coronado Police Department
(NBC San Diego - Sept 28, 2015)
“Smokey is not the type of dog that would bite anybody,” owner Roclynn Nosek told NBC7. “He was the sweetest, most loving animal ever. He would lick your face before he would bite you.”
Smokey somehow escaped from Nosek’s second-story condo on Orange Avenue Saturday, and after wandering onto First Street, police say they got reports of an aggressive dog.
“Our officers witnessed the dog lunge at a citizen and try to take a bite, and the dog ultimately charged an officer,” Coronado Police Department Captain Laszlo Waczek told NBC7. “So at this point, the officer had no other choice but to defend himself and defend the public.”
Police said they tried to subdue the dog at two locations and used the Taser on the dog at both locations.
"They didn't have to taser him. Animal control in east L.A., they use a net to get stray dogs," Nosek said.
Officers secured the dog and transported Smokey to an animal hospital, but the dog died hours later from internal bleeding.
"He had the thing around his neck with the pole, he had a muzzle around his mouth, he had been tasered three times. He had blood all over his face. His back legs were tied," Nosek said.
Waczek said it was a matter of public safety to use a Taser on the dog, and said the department would conduct an internal review of what happened and the protocol used when a Taser is deployed.
Nosek says she doesn't blame Coronado police, but thinks there could have been other options to subdue her dog. She said she would like to see a policy change.
“When we opened up the back seat of the car, he knew it was us,” she said. “He heard our voice and he started to wriggle his body the best he could to let us know he was really happy to see us there. It was so difficult.”
Nosek plans to hold a memorial for Smokey to raise awareness about what happened in hopes something similar does not happen to anyone else.
Coronado Police Department Issues Statement Related to Tasered Dog Incident
Coronado Police were involved in an incident over the weekend involving a dog that had been reported to Police by the public as aggressive and was witnessed by an officer lunging at a woman attempting to approach it. The dog was first reported acting aggressively at Centennial Park. It then charged at officers attempting to control the animal at two different locations. The officers attempted to subdue the dog by use of a Taser at these two locations. The dog was eventually secured and transported to an animal hospital, where it unfortunately died the following day.
The use of a Taser or other means of force on an aggressive animal is permissible to protect the public and the safety of an Officer. In this case, officers were dealing with an aggressive animal, had witnessed the dog lunging and biting at a pedestrian and were themselves charged at by the dog and felt an attack was imminent. The Coronado PD is saddened by the death of the dog. - Source: Coronado Police Department
(NBC San Diego - Sept 28, 2015)
After owners arrested, they never bother to tell anyone their dog was locked in their SUV
NORTH CAROLINA -- A dog trapped inside an SUV all day Sunday and much of Monday is now safe and sound thanks to his very determined neighbors.
"I was walking my dog last evening about 7:45 and I noticed the little dog, his name is Sunny," said Janice Seitzinger who lives at the Cedar Hill Condominiums on Flint Ridge Place in Raleigh.
That was 7:45 p.m. Sunday night when she noticed Sunny sitting in his owners' SUV. Then after talking to neighbors they realized Sunny had been in that SUV longer than anyone thought.
Raleigh police confirm they responded to a domestic dispute at the condos in the early morning hours of Sunday.
Because both people in the home showed signs of injury, they were both arrested. Twenty-five-year-old Emmanuel Valladares was charged with assault on a female and 26-year-old Laura Julieth Araque with simple assault.
A police spokesperson said the responding officers did not know the dog was locked inside the SUV outside of the home when they cleared the scene.
And so Sunny sat, waiting.
"He didn't have any water, he didn't have food, the windows were not even cracked," said Seitzinger.
"He was just looking at me like he was dehydrated," said Lamont Williams, who also lives in the area.
The crowd of neighbors forming around Sunny in the SUV called for help. Raleigh police say they were alerted about the dog 9 a.m. Monday but because the dog didn't appear in distress they couldn't break a window to get in.
Neighbors say animal control officers then came and left a warning note on the vehicle at 10:30 a.m. and left.
They say they kept calling and animal control came back with police officers and firefighters. Four hours later when Kathy Garcia came home from work at 2:30 p.m. she saw police officers and firefighters still trying to save Sunny.
"They said they legally couldn't do anything, break into the car because it was cool out," said Garcia.
Police even enlisted the help of a mechanic to try to get in the SUV.
"There was firemen and policemen all over that BMW. Apparently BMW is very hard to break into because they couldn't get in, it was hours and hours and hours," said Seitzinger.
Finally someone suggested that maybe the car keys were still with the owners at the jail. Police looked into it and they were.
In the end, police got the keys from the owner in jail and the dog was taken to a shelter by animal control. Police say the dog going is to be okay. If not for the work of Sunny's determined neighbors, Sunny might have had a different ending to this story.
"There's a lot of really good hearted people that pulled together in the neighborhood," said Seitzinger.
At last check Sunny was still at a shelter, but neighbors say they hope he can be reunited with his family soon.
(ABC7 Chicago - Sept 29, 2015)
"I was walking my dog last evening about 7:45 and I noticed the little dog, his name is Sunny," said Janice Seitzinger who lives at the Cedar Hill Condominiums on Flint Ridge Place in Raleigh.
Raleigh police confirm they responded to a domestic dispute at the condos in the early morning hours of Sunday.
Because both people in the home showed signs of injury, they were both arrested. Twenty-five-year-old Emmanuel Valladares was charged with assault on a female and 26-year-old Laura Julieth Araque with simple assault.
And so Sunny sat, waiting.
"He didn't have any water, he didn't have food, the windows were not even cracked," said Seitzinger.
"He was just looking at me like he was dehydrated," said Lamont Williams, who also lives in the area.
The crowd of neighbors forming around Sunny in the SUV called for help. Raleigh police say they were alerted about the dog 9 a.m. Monday but because the dog didn't appear in distress they couldn't break a window to get in.
Neighbors say animal control officers then came and left a warning note on the vehicle at 10:30 a.m. and left.
They say they kept calling and animal control came back with police officers and firefighters. Four hours later when Kathy Garcia came home from work at 2:30 p.m. she saw police officers and firefighters still trying to save Sunny.
"They said they legally couldn't do anything, break into the car because it was cool out," said Garcia.
Police even enlisted the help of a mechanic to try to get in the SUV.
"There was firemen and policemen all over that BMW. Apparently BMW is very hard to break into because they couldn't get in, it was hours and hours and hours," said Seitzinger.
Finally someone suggested that maybe the car keys were still with the owners at the jail. Police looked into it and they were.
In the end, police got the keys from the owner in jail and the dog was taken to a shelter by animal control. Police say the dog going is to be okay. If not for the work of Sunny's determined neighbors, Sunny might have had a different ending to this story.
"There's a lot of really good hearted people that pulled together in the neighborhood," said Seitzinger.
At last check Sunny was still at a shelter, but neighbors say they hope he can be reunited with his family soon.
(ABC7 Chicago - Sept 29, 2015)
2-year-old boy killed after wandering up to neighbor's chained Boxer mix in Berkeley County
WEST VIRGINIA -- The Berkeley County Sheriff's Office and Animal Control are conducting a joint investigation into the death of a 2-year-old boy who they said died from injuries caused by a neighbor's dog on Monday.
Richmond said it happened in the Baker Heights area off Charles Town Road Monday evening around 5 o'clock. He said the boy wandered two houses down from where he lived.
Investigators are asking residents with information about the incident to come forward. Any pertinent information should be reported to Lt. W.A. Johnson, U-105, with the Berkley County Sheriff's Office at 304-267-7000.
Callers who want to remain anonymous can contact Berkeley County Crime Solvers at 304-267-4999.
(Your4State - Sept 29, 2015)
"Children are suppose to outlive us adults, they're not suppose to die at two-years-old," said Captain Scott Richmond with the Berkeley County Sheriff's Office. "It makes it very difficult for us to handle and deal with."
Richmond said it happened in the Baker Heights area off Charles Town Road Monday evening around 5 o'clock. He said the boy wandered two houses down from where he lived.
Richmond said the neighbor's house was not fenced in and the dog, a 2 to 3-year-old boxer mix, was chained up in the backyard. He said that's when the child approached the dog and was bitten in the facial area.
The child was then transported to Berkeley Medical Center and later flown to Baltimore shock trauma where he died late Monday night.
"Part of the investigation is why didn't anybody know, how did the child get there, and what exactly happened?" said Richmond.
Richmond said a parent or guardian of the child may have been home at the time, but they weren't the ones who made the startling discovery.
"The owner of the animal actually went out in the backyard and found the child laying there," said Richmond. "We have no idea at this point how long that child laid there before he was found."
Richmond couldn't say if the neighbor was home at the time. He did say the dog had no history of any animal control issues.
"Nothing that would lead us to be concerned that that dog was on the property, and nothing of viciousness or anything of that nature," said Richmond.
Richmond said the dog is currently quarantined at the owner's residence.
"And then Lt. Johnson, with his investigation, will decide whether or not the dog needs to be seized, put in our facility at animal control, and then go the rest of it through court on what we should do with the dog," said Richmond.
Callers who want to remain anonymous can contact Berkeley County Crime Solvers at 304-267-4999.
(Your4State - Sept 29, 2015)
Daisy the horse rescued after falling backwards into a well
CANADA -- This is the moment a tow truck had to be called to haul out a horse that had fallen down a hole backwards.
Mare Daisy is thought to have backed in to the four foot-wide well in Saskatoon, Canada and became stuck.
Her owners tried desperately to help Daisy out of the hole but when they were unable to get her out, they ended up calling a local towing company.
And after attaching her to a tow rope, and pulling the animal after 45 minutes, she was finally free.
Jackie Klotz, who works for Brad's Towing, said: 'Daisy had fallen into a well that had opened up on the land.
'The horses had been roaming that pasture for years and the owners had no idea the well was there. She had somehow backed into it so was not injured at all. She was in there pretty tight.
'They called us, Brad's Towing, to pull Daisy out and after about 45 minutes she was out.
During the rescue, vets from the nearby Corman Park Veterinary Clinic were on hand to make sure that Daisy was safe.
Vets believe that the well may have caved in when Daisy stepped on it but now she has recovered and is back in the field.
Ms Klotz added: 'Daisy is doing well and roaming the pastures again.'
(Daily Mail - Sept 29, 2015)
Mare Daisy is thought to have backed in to the four foot-wide well in Saskatoon, Canada and became stuck.
Her owners tried desperately to help Daisy out of the hole but when they were unable to get her out, they ended up calling a local towing company.
And after attaching her to a tow rope, and pulling the animal after 45 minutes, she was finally free.
Jackie Klotz, who works for Brad's Towing, said: 'Daisy had fallen into a well that had opened up on the land.
'The horses had been roaming that pasture for years and the owners had no idea the well was there. She had somehow backed into it so was not injured at all. She was in there pretty tight.
'They called us, Brad's Towing, to pull Daisy out and after about 45 minutes she was out.
During the rescue, vets from the nearby Corman Park Veterinary Clinic were on hand to make sure that Daisy was safe.
Vets believe that the well may have caved in when Daisy stepped on it but now she has recovered and is back in the field.
Ms Klotz added: 'Daisy is doing well and roaming the pastures again.'
(Daily Mail - Sept 29, 2015)
Horse dragged to death behind trailer in Catlett Saturday
VIRGINIA -- In a gruesome accident, a horse was dragged along the road and killed when it fell from an improperly locked trailer this past weekend.
On Saturday, Sept. 26, citizens reported a dead horse on the side of the road around 1 p.m. near Elk Run Road and Sowego Road in Catlett.
Fauquier County Sheriff's Office Animal Control units responded and investigated the report.
A worker was transporting horses from a farm in Prince William County to an event when the horse fell out of the trailer because the gate wasn't properly locked, according to the Sheriff's Office.
The horse was dragged behind the trailer for some distance before the driver realized the gate was open. When the driver pulled over to shut and latch the door, they discovered what happened.
The employee then moved the horse remains to the roadside and continued on to the event. Once at the event the horse owner was notified and responded to the scene. Meanwhile passersby observed the carnage and reported the accident, according to the Sheriff's Office.
The matter was investigated but no criminal charges have been filed, according to the Sheriff's Office.
(Fauquier Times - Sept 29, 2015)
On Saturday, Sept. 26, citizens reported a dead horse on the side of the road around 1 p.m. near Elk Run Road and Sowego Road in Catlett.
Fauquier County Sheriff's Office Animal Control units responded and investigated the report.
A worker was transporting horses from a farm in Prince William County to an event when the horse fell out of the trailer because the gate wasn't properly locked, according to the Sheriff's Office.
The horse was dragged behind the trailer for some distance before the driver realized the gate was open. When the driver pulled over to shut and latch the door, they discovered what happened.
The employee then moved the horse remains to the roadside and continued on to the event. Once at the event the horse owner was notified and responded to the scene. Meanwhile passersby observed the carnage and reported the accident, according to the Sheriff's Office.
The matter was investigated but no criminal charges have been filed, according to the Sheriff's Office.
(Fauquier Times - Sept 29, 2015)
Heroes: IDOT worker protects injured bald eagle along I-55
ILLINOIS -- An Illinois Department of Transportation crew protected an injured bald eagle from traffic along I-55.
"It's an endangered species and it's our responsibility to try and protect it," one IDOT worker told ABC7.
An IDOT crew spotted the eagle Tuesday morning sitting on the side of the road along the ramp from inbound I-55 to southbound Cass Avenue. At first, one of the workers thought the bird was a blown out tire. But then they saw the bald eagle was hurt and picking at a McDonald's bag.
The crew parked along the ramp to protect the animal from traffic while they waited for help. It eventually moved to the grassy area next to the expressway.
Animal control arrived and put the eagle in a carrier, then took it to the Willowbrook Wilderness Facility in Glen Ellyn, part of the DuPage Forest Preserve.
After a preliminary exam, staffers said due to the size and feathers they believe the bird is male and between 4 and 5 years old. The preliminary exam showed no fractures to the eagle's wings, but they believe he was most likely struck by a car or truck.
Willowbrook staffers confirmed the bird was tagged, either from birth or a previous resting. They said he is dirty and stressed from being handled by humans. He is being held in isolation and fed rodents, fish and water Tuesday, and will receive a full exam on Wednesday.
The eagle will remain at Willowbrook through his recovery, then eventually go to their onsite Flight Ring Facility, one of the biggest in the country.
(ABC7 Chicago - Sept 29, 2015)
"It's an endangered species and it's our responsibility to try and protect it," one IDOT worker told ABC7.
An IDOT crew spotted the eagle Tuesday morning sitting on the side of the road along the ramp from inbound I-55 to southbound Cass Avenue. At first, one of the workers thought the bird was a blown out tire. But then they saw the bald eagle was hurt and picking at a McDonald's bag.
The crew parked along the ramp to protect the animal from traffic while they waited for help. It eventually moved to the grassy area next to the expressway.
Animal control arrived and put the eagle in a carrier, then took it to the Willowbrook Wilderness Facility in Glen Ellyn, part of the DuPage Forest Preserve.
After a preliminary exam, staffers said due to the size and feathers they believe the bird is male and between 4 and 5 years old. The preliminary exam showed no fractures to the eagle's wings, but they believe he was most likely struck by a car or truck.
Willowbrook staffers confirmed the bird was tagged, either from birth or a previous resting. They said he is dirty and stressed from being handled by humans. He is being held in isolation and fed rodents, fish and water Tuesday, and will receive a full exam on Wednesday.
The eagle will remain at Willowbrook through his recovery, then eventually go to their onsite Flight Ring Facility, one of the biggest in the country.
(ABC7 Chicago - Sept 29, 2015)
Australian shepherd responsible for 13 bites on Woodstock police officer
CANADA -- It all seemed to happen incredibly fast when a Woodstock police officer was attacked by a dog while on the job Sept. 23.
Police say Const. Crystal Hough, 34, was repeatedly bitten by an Australian shepherd while following up on an investigation just outside Woodstock. Following the attack she radioed in she needed help.
At the hospital Const. Nikki VanLeeuwen said Hough was “visibly shaken.”
She had received several bites on her lower body, including one that required five stitches.
“She had three significant bites and 10 smaller ones,” VanLeeuwen said. “She’ll have scars.”
Treated and released at Woodstock Hospital, the Woodstock police officer is slated to be off until all of her stitches are removed.
The dog, who had all of its shots, was quarantined but was not euthanized.
VanLeeuwen said it had no history of aggression and was tied up at the time of the surprise attack.
“She was in its range and it got her on the ground quickly,” VanLeeuwen said.
VanLeeuwen said the incident serves as a reminder to exercise caution around unfamiliar animals.
“It’s important for people to realize dogs are dogs and still have certain instincts,” she said. “I don’t think anyone understands why this dog reacted the way it did. It’s important to be cautious and ask if their dog is friendly.”
VanLeeuwen said a second dog attack occurred Monday when a loose dog attacked another dog on Salter Avenue resulting in minor injuries for one canine.
The incident resulted in the dog’s owner receiving a warning.
“Dog owners need to take control of their pets,” she said.
She also suggested installing 'beware of dog' signs on properties that are home to dogs because “dogs are dogs.”
(Woodstock Sentinel Review - Sept 28, 2015)
Police say Const. Crystal Hough, 34, was repeatedly bitten by an Australian shepherd while following up on an investigation just outside Woodstock. Following the attack she radioed in she needed help.
At the hospital Const. Nikki VanLeeuwen said Hough was “visibly shaken.”
She had received several bites on her lower body, including one that required five stitches.
“She had three significant bites and 10 smaller ones,” VanLeeuwen said. “She’ll have scars.”
Treated and released at Woodstock Hospital, the Woodstock police officer is slated to be off until all of her stitches are removed.
The dog, who had all of its shots, was quarantined but was not euthanized.
VanLeeuwen said it had no history of aggression and was tied up at the time of the surprise attack.
“She was in its range and it got her on the ground quickly,” VanLeeuwen said.
VanLeeuwen said the incident serves as a reminder to exercise caution around unfamiliar animals.
“It’s important for people to realize dogs are dogs and still have certain instincts,” she said. “I don’t think anyone understands why this dog reacted the way it did. It’s important to be cautious and ask if their dog is friendly.”
VanLeeuwen said a second dog attack occurred Monday when a loose dog attacked another dog on Salter Avenue resulting in minor injuries for one canine.
The incident resulted in the dog’s owner receiving a warning.
“Dog owners need to take control of their pets,” she said.
She also suggested installing 'beware of dog' signs on properties that are home to dogs because “dogs are dogs.”
(Woodstock Sentinel Review - Sept 28, 2015)
Ohio teens found guilty of beating and slashing Great Pyrenees to death in its own backyard
OHIO -- Two teens were on trial Monday, Sept. 28, in a shocking case of animal abuse.
While they denied having anything to do with the crime, a Hamilton County juvenile court magistrate didn't buy it. Late Monday afternoon, she found the two teens guilty of trespassing and animal cruelty.
Anyone who knows dogs will tell you that "peers," Great Pyrenees, are like big, fluffy, sweet stuffed animals. They're well-known for their gentle dispositions. November 2014, Nani was in a secure, fenced backyard when some vicious teenagers came over that fence and proceeded to slash and beat the dog to a pulp.
The owner of the dog, Sherry Mills, said she has been threatened and terrorized ever since her Great Pyrenees was killed in the backyard of her Price Hill home on Beech Avenue.
She was at work November 12, 2014, when the dog was attacked, “I'm calling her name Nani, and then I just see her; blood everywhere, out of her head just laying on the ground in the backyard. I pray for justice."
The two boys, who were both 14-years-old at the time, hoisted a much smaller 9-year-old over the fence, then came over and the attack began. The veterinarian who examined the dead dog said he'd been slashed and beaten.
"When I've met a Great Pyrenees they've always appeared to be gentle kind, sort of lumber, doofy dogs. All of the trauma was to the head, ear and neck," said Dr. Tamara Goforth.
The case came to light when the 9-year-old's mother became concerned about his violent nightmares. She went to Sherry Mills. Local 12 will not be identifying the mom to protect the child.
The mother said, "He kept seeing the dog bloody and laying there crying. I think one time he seen the dog coming at him, bloody and crying."
The teenagers, who are brothers, sat looking bored through much of their trial. Their aunt and guardian testified they were closely supervised, good kids. Magistrate Wende Cross found that even though the teens testified, they were not credible and she found the 9-year-old's story was "absolutely compelling."
In the end she found the teens guilty of animal cruelty and trespassing.
Sherry Mills told Local 12 News when she bought her home a couple of years ago, she had no idea her neighborhood was so vicious and violent. She said she's had two death threats since the trial began, because she called the police. In a few weeks, she plans to sell her home, take her kids and leave the state.
The charges were misdemeanors and the two have no prior criminal record. At sentencing they could be put on probation or ordered into some sort of programs for treatment.
(Local12 - Sept 28, 2015)
While they denied having anything to do with the crime, a Hamilton County juvenile court magistrate didn't buy it. Late Monday afternoon, she found the two teens guilty of trespassing and animal cruelty.
Anyone who knows dogs will tell you that "peers," Great Pyrenees, are like big, fluffy, sweet stuffed animals. They're well-known for their gentle dispositions. November 2014, Nani was in a secure, fenced backyard when some vicious teenagers came over that fence and proceeded to slash and beat the dog to a pulp.
The owner of the dog, Sherry Mills, said she has been threatened and terrorized ever since her Great Pyrenees was killed in the backyard of her Price Hill home on Beech Avenue.
She was at work November 12, 2014, when the dog was attacked, “I'm calling her name Nani, and then I just see her; blood everywhere, out of her head just laying on the ground in the backyard. I pray for justice."
The two boys, who were both 14-years-old at the time, hoisted a much smaller 9-year-old over the fence, then came over and the attack began. The veterinarian who examined the dead dog said he'd been slashed and beaten.
"When I've met a Great Pyrenees they've always appeared to be gentle kind, sort of lumber, doofy dogs. All of the trauma was to the head, ear and neck," said Dr. Tamara Goforth.
The case came to light when the 9-year-old's mother became concerned about his violent nightmares. She went to Sherry Mills. Local 12 will not be identifying the mom to protect the child.
The mother said, "He kept seeing the dog bloody and laying there crying. I think one time he seen the dog coming at him, bloody and crying."
The teenagers, who are brothers, sat looking bored through much of their trial. Their aunt and guardian testified they were closely supervised, good kids. Magistrate Wende Cross found that even though the teens testified, they were not credible and she found the 9-year-old's story was "absolutely compelling."
In the end she found the teens guilty of animal cruelty and trespassing.
Sherry Mills told Local 12 News when she bought her home a couple of years ago, she had no idea her neighborhood was so vicious and violent. She said she's had two death threats since the trial began, because she called the police. In a few weeks, she plans to sell her home, take her kids and leave the state.
The teens were set to be sentenced October 27. The teens went home pending a probation investigation by juvenile court authorities. They were put under an order to stay away from the victim and her family.
The charges were misdemeanors and the two have no prior criminal record. At sentencing they could be put on probation or ordered into some sort of programs for treatment.
(Local12 - Sept 28, 2015)
Christina Regg charged with locking cat inside paint can and leaving it to die
NEW YORK -- A Delaware County woman has been charged with animal cruelty after she allegedly placed a stray cat into a paint can and then sealed the lid, killing the feline.
Christina L. Regg of 7137 Charlotte Creek Road, Davenport, was charged with aggravated cruelty to animals in connection with the incident. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Department reported Monday that she “intentionally” caused the cat to suffocate.
“What happened to this cat was absolutely appalling,” Undersheriff Craig DuMond told The Daily Star on Monday. “It’s just sick that any human being could even think of doing such a thing to a defenseless pet.”
The cat had been abandoned by a former tenant of the trailer park where Regg resides, DuMond said.
One of Regg’s neighbors, Elizabeth Montgomery, told The Daily Star the cat was named Fluffy. Montgomery described the feline as a long-haired, all-white fur, blue-eyed feline with a sweet disposition.
Fluffy, Montgomery said, had been staying inside an empty trailer, and neighbors were taking care of it by offering it food. She said Regg was apparently upset that the cat, in an apparent effort to find warmth as the temperature dropped, went to the window of the trailer to try to get in.
“I don’t understand how anyone can do something like that to an animal that’s not harming you,” Montgomery said. “Fluffy was so friendly. You could walk right up to her and she would come right up to you and love on you.”
Regg, however, told neighbors that Fluffy had become “a nuisance,” Montgomery said.
Neighbors contacted the sheriff’s office after Regg allegedly told neighbors about her method of getting rid of the cat, DuMond said.
Regg allegedly disposed of the paint bucket — with the cat sealed inside — by tossing it over an embankment behind a neighbor’s home. Neighbors contacted the sheriff’s office after Regg allegedly told neighbors about her method of getting rid of the cat, DuMond said.
The paint bucket containing the remains was turned over to the sheriff’s department by the neighbors.
When questioned by an investigator, Regg at first denied having been involved in the incident, claiming that as a veterinary technician she would never harm an animal, DuMond said.
Regg was given an appearance ticket directing her to appear in Davenport town court at a later date. She was arrested at 3:27 p.m. Saturday, the undersheriff said.
Regg, when contacted by The Daily Star, admitted she put the cat in the container because she said that if she did not, she feared she would be evicted from her home. She said the person who instructed her to put the cat in the bucket suggested the animal would escape once the bucket was thrown. Regg also said she has been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder.
“I cried, I cried,” she said, recalling her emotions when she found out the cat died. “I am so remorseful for these actions. Everyone who knows me knows I’m an animal lover. I admit I put it in the bucket. I don’t admit that I purposely harmed anything.”
(Oneonta Daily Star - Sept 28, 2015)
Christina L. Regg of 7137 Charlotte Creek Road, Davenport, was charged with aggravated cruelty to animals in connection with the incident. The Delaware County Sheriff’s Department reported Monday that she “intentionally” caused the cat to suffocate.
“What happened to this cat was absolutely appalling,” Undersheriff Craig DuMond told The Daily Star on Monday. “It’s just sick that any human being could even think of doing such a thing to a defenseless pet.”
The cat had been abandoned by a former tenant of the trailer park where Regg resides, DuMond said.
One of Regg’s neighbors, Elizabeth Montgomery, told The Daily Star the cat was named Fluffy. Montgomery described the feline as a long-haired, all-white fur, blue-eyed feline with a sweet disposition.
Fluffy, Montgomery said, had been staying inside an empty trailer, and neighbors were taking care of it by offering it food. She said Regg was apparently upset that the cat, in an apparent effort to find warmth as the temperature dropped, went to the window of the trailer to try to get in.
“I don’t understand how anyone can do something like that to an animal that’s not harming you,” Montgomery said. “Fluffy was so friendly. You could walk right up to her and she would come right up to you and love on you.”
Regg, however, told neighbors that Fluffy had become “a nuisance,” Montgomery said.
Neighbors contacted the sheriff’s office after Regg allegedly told neighbors about her method of getting rid of the cat, DuMond said.
Regg allegedly disposed of the paint bucket — with the cat sealed inside — by tossing it over an embankment behind a neighbor’s home. Neighbors contacted the sheriff’s office after Regg allegedly told neighbors about her method of getting rid of the cat, DuMond said.
The paint bucket containing the remains was turned over to the sheriff’s department by the neighbors.
When questioned by an investigator, Regg at first denied having been involved in the incident, claiming that as a veterinary technician she would never harm an animal, DuMond said.
Regg was given an appearance ticket directing her to appear in Davenport town court at a later date. She was arrested at 3:27 p.m. Saturday, the undersheriff said.
Regg, when contacted by The Daily Star, admitted she put the cat in the container because she said that if she did not, she feared she would be evicted from her home. She said the person who instructed her to put the cat in the bucket suggested the animal would escape once the bucket was thrown. Regg also said she has been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder.
“I cried, I cried,” she said, recalling her emotions when she found out the cat died. “I am so remorseful for these actions. Everyone who knows me knows I’m an animal lover. I admit I put it in the bucket. I don’t admit that I purposely harmed anything.”
(Oneonta Daily Star - Sept 28, 2015)
Kentucky: Sheriff says woman beaten, tortured and scalped by ex-boyfriend Zachary Gross, attacked by his dog
KENTUCKY -- A northern Kentucky woman is recovering from a horrific attack Thursday night, Sept. 24.
She was beaten and had three-quarters of her scalp ripped away from her head. Deputies said it was all at the hands of her ex-boyfriend and his dog.
Inside a Walton, Kentucky home, the Boone County sheriff’s office said 26-year-old Marilyn Stanley was beaten, her ear chewed off by a dog and even scalped by her ex-boyfriend Zachary Gross.
Sheriff's spokesman, Tom Scheben, said the assault started because of a Facebook post that Gross started beating Stanley while they were eating.
"She says she's about four french fries in and he socks her in the face. And then four or five more," said Scheben.
But Scheben said it didn't end with a few punches. The assault escalated to the bedroom and become even more violent.
“It was lengthily. At one point she gets a knife in defense, he says put the knife down or I'm going to sic the dog on you. She didn't and that's where the real injuries came in."
According to investigators, Gross used the knife to detach 70 percent of Stanley's scalp and used his dog to rip off her ear.
"When he's finished he praises the dog for the work he did. Then makes her stand in front of mirror to make her look at herself now," said Scheben.
The dog was at the county shelter, Gross at the county jail. After the beating, the knife cutting and the dog attack Marilyn was dropped off in the neighborhood near her mother’s house. At that point she was able to get some help and get police.
"We will all raise our voices, we all say things we didn't mean to say in the heat of the moment. Domestic violence takes it a step further. I believe this takes domestic violence a step further by siccing this pit bull on her and cutting her scalp off, there's no need for that," said Scheben.
Gross was arrested the same night as the alleged attack and was charged with second degree assault and harboring a vicious animal.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help Marilyn Stanley with medical bills.
(Local12 - Sept 28, 2015)
Inside a Walton, Kentucky home, the Boone County sheriff’s office said 26-year-old Marilyn Stanley was beaten, her ear chewed off by a dog and even scalped by her ex-boyfriend Zachary Gross.
Sheriff's spokesman, Tom Scheben, said the assault started because of a Facebook post that Gross started beating Stanley while they were eating.
"She says she's about four french fries in and he socks her in the face. And then four or five more," said Scheben.
“It was lengthily. At one point she gets a knife in defense, he says put the knife down or I'm going to sic the dog on you. She didn't and that's where the real injuries came in."
According to investigators, Gross used the knife to detach 70 percent of Stanley's scalp and used his dog to rip off her ear.
"When he's finished he praises the dog for the work he did. Then makes her stand in front of mirror to make her look at herself now," said Scheben.
The dog was at the county shelter, Gross at the county jail. After the beating, the knife cutting and the dog attack Marilyn was dropped off in the neighborhood near her mother’s house. At that point she was able to get some help and get police.
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The street where he dumped her |
"We will all raise our voices, we all say things we didn't mean to say in the heat of the moment. Domestic violence takes it a step further. I believe this takes domestic violence a step further by siccing this pit bull on her and cutting her scalp off, there's no need for that," said Scheben.
Gross was arrested the same night as the alleged attack and was charged with second degree assault and harboring a vicious animal.
A GoFundMe account has been set up to help Marilyn Stanley with medical bills.
(Local12 - Sept 28, 2015)
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