The incident happened over the weekend on West 30th Street in the Park Place neighborhood, and now the dog’s owner faces charges. He also admitted to 10 On your Side Wednesday he did it.

Sally Robinson spoke to WAVY on the porch of her home. Her arm bandaged hiding dog bites that are so gruesome in pictures we couldn’t show them. “That dog leaped at me and was holding my arm in his mouth. He just grabbed the coat, and he grabbed my skin. He grabbed my skin, and I was yelling ‘get him off me,'” said Robinson.

The 1-year-old pit bull is named Zeus, and the owner allowed us to see him in an upstairs bedroom. Aaron L. Jones Jr. says he’s been ordered to quarantine Zeus for 10 days. “I took the dog off the leash. I did do that,” said Jones. WAVY asked, “Why?” He looked away and said, “right, right.”

Once Zeus was latched onto Robinson’s arm it took a good Samaritan to come running out of his home to help. Maurice Smith says, “As soon as I reached for the pit bull, he let go, and he looked at me like I was crazy.”

Smith then put Robinson in his front yard away from the dog and then made sure her dogs got back home after she was taken away in an ambulance.
Sally Robinson still animated in remembering what happened, “The guy who owned the dog said ‘Don’t hit my dog.’ I said I’m going to hit your dog because he got my arm.
He got my arm! He got my arm!,” she said getting louder with each ‘got my arm.’

Jones accepting full responsibility said, “I said it was my fault. I’m trying to tell the dog to stop. I put the dog on a leash and took the dog home.”
Police charged Jones with having no rabies vaccination and having an unlicensed animal.
(WAVY-TV - Nov 4, 2015)
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