Saturday, April 23, 2016

Florida: Pit bull mix knocks owner from wheelchair, mauls her beloved Yorkie to death

FLORIDA -- A woman in Brandon is heartbroken after her 4-year-old Yorkshire Terrier was killed in her front yard.

Georgette Walker said she saw the whole thing happen, and tried to fight off the pit bull mix as it attacked her pet.

Walker, who is disabled and relies on a motorized scooter to get around, said she and her dog, Honey, were enjoying some fresh air when they noticed a pair of unattended dogs roaming the street. Walker said she tried to get to Honey before the pit bull mixes, but she was too late.

One of the large dogs made a beeline for Honey.

"The dog darted over here and took my dog in its mouth and shoot it like a toy," Walker recalled tearfully. "I've just been haunted since, and I know it's going to haunt me for a long time."

Walker said she punched the pit bull mix several times, and even tried prying open the dog's jaws with her hands to get it to release Honey. Four days after the attack, Walker's hands were healing from bite wounds.

In the struggle, Walker was knocked out of her wheelchair, rendering her helpless to defend her best friend.


"I'm on the ground shaking and all I can think is, 'I'm going to watch my dog get killed,'" said Walker.

A neighbor heard her cries for help and used a rake to strike the larger dog several times before it finally released Honey. The Yorkie was rushed to an animal hospital with teeth marks covering its tiny body.

Despite the vet's best efforts, Honey didn't make it.

Walker was left without her best friend and companion, and faces more than $1,000 in vet bills; more than she can afford on her fixed income.

"I'm really in the hole with the vet bill and everything. I don't feel like I have any reason to wake up. She's not there. I don't have anybody that needs me to let them out," said Walker, who lives alone.


Georgette's friend, Kristin set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money to pay the vet bill,

The dog that attacked Honey was captured by Hillsborough County Animal Control and was being held in quarantine. Its owner was cited for having a vicious dog at large and faces a $500 fine

(FOX13 - April 21, 2016)

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