Saturday, April 16, 2016

Virginia: Two girls, ages 4 and 6, allegedly nearly beat to death tiny Yorkie with plastic baseball bat

VIRGINIA -- There is huge community support for a small dog in Danville that was allegedly beaten nearly to death Sunday.

Angela Purdy said two young girls beat her three pound Yorkshire Terrier, named Cash, with a plastic baseball bat.

Purdy said she has been on an emotional roller coaster the past few days. She and her family were beside themselves when they saw Cash looking like he wasn't going to survive. However, they've seen a ray of sunshine in all of the prayers, encouraging words and even monetary donations coming in for Cash.

"He was very unstable at that point," Purdy said when she looked at photos of Cash when he was found after the alleged beating. "He can't stand without wobbling so it was very horrific,"

She said her dog was at her parents' house. They found him in their backyard.

"They really didn't know what had happened at that point, just possibly another dog had attacked him," Purdy said. "As the day went on we began to get more information."

Purdy said two girls from the neighborhood, ages four and six, told police they beat Cash with a plastic baseball bat. 

Purdy took to Facebook asking for prayers.

"He was a birthday present for Brianna [Purdy's daughter]. "His name is like money and he's sweet," Brianna said.


Words of encouragement and even real cash came rolling in.

"People are making donations in Cash's name to the vet... just unreal amounts," Purdy said.

She said Cash must be feeling all the love. He has made big improvements. Now Purdy is just hoping there's a lesson to be learned here.

"Through this my whole thing my to Brianna has been to have a forgiving heart," she said. "Talk to your children about animal cruelty. What some people may see as being playful for a small dog can be very dangerous."

"Thank you for praying for my doggy," Brianna said.

Danville Police did confirm with ABC 13 that they responded to the incident and that children were involved, but wouldn't say anything more. ABC 13 is waiting to hear back from the Danville Commonwealth's Attorney about how cases are handled that involve such young children.

Danville's Commonwealth's Attorney's office tells ABC 13 they will not discuss the case of a Yorkshire Terrior that was beaten with a plastic baseball bat.

Angela Purdy says her 3 pound Yorkie named Cash was at her parents' house when they found him in their backyard, bloody with his eyes protruding and he was barely able to stand.

Purdy says two four and six year old girls from the neighborhood told police they did it.

We're trying to find out how the Commonwealth would handle cases involving such young children.

(WSET - April 12, 2016)

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