Saturday, May 28, 2016

Nevada: Neighbor rescues woman attacked by pit bull

NEVADA -- A man speaks exclusively to 13 Action News after rescuing his neighbor who was attacked by a pit bull.

"I had the door open here and I put the grill on and I was making dinner and I heard this god awful screaming,” said Eero Hollante.


The dog attacked the woman Monday night outside of her home near Cimarron Road and Alta Drive. By the time Hollante made it to her, the dog had already retreated back to its yard.

"She was scared to death, in a lot of pain,” he said. “Her left hand was all ripped up and the back of her right arm. The neighbor across the street, he was hanging out the window and he says call an ambulance. It's a hell of a lot of blood here."

On Tuesday, the victim's husband spent the afternoon washing the blood off of the sidewalk where the attack started.


Neighbors say they don't know how the dog escaped the yard because by the time they saw the victim, the dog was back in it.

On Tuesday, the victim reappeared in public for the first time since leaving the hospital Monday night. In fact, she was headed back to the hospital for a check-up.

Neighbors agree that the entire family of pit bulls is extremely aggressive to the point that one of them even broke down part of its owner’s fence, which is now boarded up.


"They're not fun,” said Hollante. “Even to go to the mailbox. Everyone's afraid."

As for the pit bull responsible for the attack, he's on a 10-day hold at the City of Las Vegas Animal Shelter while the victim decides whether to press charges.

(KTNV - May 3, 2016)

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