Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Oklahoma: David Todd sentenced to 3 years probation after torturing his cat and repeatedly "swinging her like a bowling ball"

OKLAHOMA -- Back in 2015, David Hunter Todd was arrested and charged with animal cruelty after being videotaped torturing his cat, "throwing it like a bowling ball".

Todd had recently adopted the black cat and had taken to torturing her whenever he had the chance. He was so blatant about it that he tortured her in front of witnesses, who were horrified, and notified police.

“He was torturing the cat very bad,” said Kevin Chen. “It was like he was playing bowling ball. He would literally take the cat up and swing it like a bowling ball.”

“She was very lethargic,” said Animal Services officer Cara Drake. “When I took her she was soaking wet. She had all these other injuries and possible head trauma. She certainly didn't act like she is now. She just laid there. She seemed like she was almost dead.”


It appears that in December 2015, Todd was given a deferred sentence and put on probation for 3 years. At the end of the thee years (06/15/2019), if Todd hasn't committed any additional crimes, the animal cruelty charge will be entered in as Dismissed, as though Todd had tortured and abused this poor cat. Animal abusers should not be given deferred sentencing.

Offender: David H. Todd
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 154 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Birth Date: 2/12/1994
OK DOC#: 732406

Conviction date:
Term: 3 Years
Term code: P&PDEF
Sentence begins: 6/15/2016

Conviction date: 12/16/2015
Term: 183 Days
Term code: Minimum
Sentence begins: 01/06/2016

Deferred Adjudication
A deferred adjudication in Oklahoma (commonly referred to as a deferred sentence) occurs when a defendant enters a plea of guilty to the crime or crimes as charged but is not formally sentenced. The court agrees to "put off" sentencing to a later date provided the defendant agrees to certain terms and conditions required by the court.

If a defendant fails to comply with the rules and conditions imposed by the court an acceleration proceeding will commence. An acceleration is commenced at the request of the State which essentially asks to court to accelerate your sentencing date from some point in the future to the present.

Animal abusers like David Todd like Deferred sentencing because afterwards the actual case will be dismissed and David Todd can tell everyone he's not an animal abuser, that his case was dismissed... and he'll be right.
