Has anyone been following this about the latest seizure?
I will tell you MY personal experience. When this woman was Dayspring/Katrina Schumacher we began talking (before this she was Kathy Soles and since has been Cathy Warren and Cathie Odegaard).
She had a litter of red Standards that did not have a lot of the red/apricot ancestry that seems to pop up in nearly every single pedigree. I had a litter she was interested in. So we spoke a lot and she plied me with tons of photos of her litter every day. She promised me she would test the parents of the pups for all of the DNA things (vWd, DM and NE) so that the people who got breeding dogs from her would not have to all test their puppies for things they might be clear of.
She made a lot of promises she did not keep. She did not test the parents. I got Flynn. She got Besame. Flynn was picked up at the Toronto airport by my sister Amy and her family, who are his foster family. He was a nervous puppy and it took a long time for him to be comfortable in his own skin. He went to a warm home and a loving family who think the sun rises and sets on him. Besame went to Edmonton in the dead of winter and Katrina informed me after she had arrived there that her THEN husband did not like dogs, so my delightful little puppy spent all day every day in sub zero temperatures in Alberta outside in a lean to open on at least a couple of sides to the weather. Her photos and her many discussions on the phone totally fooled me.
I cried many nights wondering how my little girl was fairing living the life she was living. She was bred at 18 months for the first time with no more testing than a [preliminary] on her hips. She was sold to a holding company who bred her three more times.
While Katrina was with "that" husband apparently the dogs spent their days outside and their nights in crates all lined up side by side. I will never forgive this woman for what she did to this puppy girl. She lied to people who called her and mentioned me, telling them my Holly was over 30" at the shoulder. She lied to me about doing the testing on Flynn's parents. She lied to me about how my puppy would live when she arrived there. Once we made the trade, she would not take my phone calls.
If I was able to get through to her it was because I blocked my number. BTW... Flynn has never sired a litter. He is still so unsure of himself that he has never mounted a female. In my opinion, what has transpired lately is just damned good karma biting her right on her butt!"

So, of course, I'm curious about all these previously used names.
Apparently, Cathie's name originally was Cathie Iris. Then she got married to Grant Soles and her name changed to Cathie Soles, but she also went by Cathie Iris Soles.
In April 2003, Cathie is listed in the newsletter titled Versatility in Poodles (VIP):
Welcome New Member
Mrs. CATHIE-IRIS SOLES "Dayspring" 3346 McConachie Creek Rd. P.O. Box 3507, Fort Nelson, BC .Canada VOC 1RO Phone: 250 233 8880 Email dsranch@yt.sympatico.ca http:www.dayspringkennel.cjb.net Cathie-Iris owns 5 Standards Poodles, 1 Toy Poodle, a Borzoi, an Irish Wolfhound and 2 Corgis..She also trains riding horses. She is interested Agility, Obedience, brace, hiking, livestock Guardian, and Therapy Work.
In April 2003, Cathie is listed in the newsletter titled Versatility in Poodles (VIP):
Welcome New Member
Mrs. CATHIE-IRIS SOLES "Dayspring" 3346 McConachie Creek Rd. P.O. Box 3507, Fort Nelson, BC .Canada VOC 1RO Phone: 250 233 8880 Email dsranch@yt.sympatico.ca http:www.dayspringkennel.cjb.net Cathie-Iris owns 5 Standards Poodles, 1 Toy Poodle, a Borzoi, an Irish Wolfhound and 2 Corgis..She also trains riding horses. She is interested Agility, Obedience, brace, hiking, livestock Guardian, and Therapy Work.
This September 2003 ad, from gundogsonline.com, shows her going by the name Cathie Iris Soles:
CKC Standard Poodle pups in Silver, Blue/Silver
Price: 1,500.00---2,500.00 us funds
Owner: Mrs. Cathie-Iris: Soles
3346 McConachie Creek RD.
PO Box 3507
Fort Nelson, British Columbia - Canada
Phone: 250-233-8880
Email: dsranch@yt.sympatico.ca
Hunting/Working/Performance aptitudes in beautiful Silver and Blue/Silver. Very elegant puppies with correct conformation for performance. These puppies are related to dogs that are presently working as Service dogs with DogGuides of Ontario. Email for pictures of Parents and puppies. Health fully guaranteed. To select homes only. Please no Sunday calls. ~Cathie~
CKC Standard Poodle pups in Silver, Blue/Silver
Price: 1,500.00---2,500.00 us funds
Owner: Mrs. Cathie-Iris: Soles
3346 McConachie Creek RD.
PO Box 3507
Fort Nelson, British Columbia - Canada
Phone: 250-233-8880
Email: dsranch@yt.sympatico.ca
Hunting/Working/Performance aptitudes in beautiful Silver and Blue/Silver. Very elegant puppies with correct conformation for performance. These puppies are related to dogs that are presently working as Service dogs with DogGuides of Ontario. Email for pictures of Parents and puppies. Health fully guaranteed. To select homes only. Please no Sunday calls. ~Cathie~
After her husband unfortunately passed away she then married John Schumacher (around 2005).
For some reason, she began using the name Katrina Schumacher instead of going by Cathie Schumacher.
She started a blog titled A Pure Heart Desired (http://apureheartdesired.blogspot.com/) but appears to have abandoned it almost immediately after just two posts. On her blogger profile she says she lives in Rimbey, Alberta, Canada.
In 2008, she was calling herself "Katrina Schumacher breeder of the Dayspring CKC registered poodles in Central Alberta Canada" and running a blog called "Dayspringpup's Weblog".
However, I'm assuming they got divorced at some point and then she remarried again to ___ Warren. I don't know what happened with that marriage, but it's over.
She then married Michael Odegaard (Mike Odegaard) and went back to calling herself Cathie. She runs her breeding business as Cathie Warren but tells people that her married name is Cathie Odegaard.
She then married Michael Odegaard (Mike Odegaard) and went back to calling herself Cathie. She runs her breeding business as Cathie Warren but tells people that her married name is Cathie Odegaard.
Posted on poodleforum.com, December 2013:
"Cathie Warren got a female puppy from me- when her name was Katrina Schumacher and her kennel name was Dayspring- Arreau Besame Mucho Dayspring and bred her before she was two and the ONLY test she did prior to breeding her was hips. Ask me how impressed I am...From what I heard, she bred her two times in rather quick succession, then sold her. Before she was Cathie Warren and Katrina Schumacher her name was Kathy Soles. Isn't that a little peculiar?
"Degenerative Myelopathy can also be clear by parentage.
"And before I would believe anyone that the parents are clear of any of the DNA tests, I would want to see copies of the lab paperwork or an OFA certificate. Not every breeder posts their results on the OFA web site, but i would not take them at their word that the dogs are clear. They need to prove it!"
Another then commented:
Well, here is the reply I received from Cathie Warren when I asked "Has OFA and CERF testing been done on the parents? Are they AKC registered?"
To answer your question about health testing...Testing is so very **Important** I am blessed to have Clear Lines... I am not having to test for carriers... and if you notice on my Website, the link that goes to the pedigree and lineage of my New Russian import that his Parent's testing is listed there...so Tazzar is Normal or Clear for all DNA tests thought important in Europe..(there is no link that I can find)
...now most Companion Pup owners are not into testing, but if they were into spending the money, and interested in collecting DNA samples to send off... their pup's test results would be clear...
She never did answer whether or not the parents were even AKC registered.
This prompted another comment:
Wow does this "breeder" also sell used cars? To think people would still buy from this mess-of-suck breeder. SMH.
"Cathie Warren got a female puppy from me- when her name was Katrina Schumacher and her kennel name was Dayspring- Arreau Besame Mucho Dayspring and bred her before she was two and the ONLY test she did prior to breeding her was hips. Ask me how impressed I am...From what I heard, she bred her two times in rather quick succession, then sold her. Before she was Cathie Warren and Katrina Schumacher her name was Kathy Soles. Isn't that a little peculiar?
"Degenerative Myelopathy can also be clear by parentage.
"And before I would believe anyone that the parents are clear of any of the DNA tests, I would want to see copies of the lab paperwork or an OFA certificate. Not every breeder posts their results on the OFA web site, but i would not take them at their word that the dogs are clear. They need to prove it!"
Another then commented:
Well, here is the reply I received from Cathie Warren when I asked "Has OFA and CERF testing been done on the parents? Are they AKC registered?"
To answer your question about health testing...Testing is so very **Important** I am blessed to have Clear Lines... I am not having to test for carriers... and if you notice on my Website, the link that goes to the pedigree and lineage of my New Russian import that his Parent's testing is listed there...so Tazzar is Normal or Clear for all DNA tests thought important in Europe..(there is no link that I can find)
...now most Companion Pup owners are not into testing, but if they were into spending the money, and interested in collecting DNA samples to send off... their pup's test results would be clear...
She never did answer whether or not the parents were even AKC registered.
This prompted another comment:
Wow does this "breeder" also sell used cars? To think people would still buy from this mess-of-suck breeder. SMH.
Also posted on poodleforum:
"I decided to check out the Adonai Rare Poodles website and that was a further blood boiler. You will never, ever get your $500 deposit back and her base price is $200 more than my dear breeder's who, like Arreau, is breeding only conformation titled pairs with all the testing. With this woman, if the price is right you can have full breeding rights. And we wonder why there are so many Poodle crosses. I don't care who took her down in this case."
"Oh I abhor breeders who give full breeding to anyone who will pay more for it!
See that on Facebook all the time where they advertise a puppy with two prices, pet and breeding rights. That's all I need to know exactly what kind of breeder they are!"
Posted on Cathie's Adonai Red Poodles Facebook page:
"No, there is one woman who tries to fool the public by using several different names-- Cathie Soles, Cathie Warren, Katrina Odegaard are some of them. She trolls FB groups to find people with $$ and then gives them a line about her exotic European poodles. She does no testing of parents, she does not deliver AKC registration papers to buyers, she does not give out her physical address, she even creates her own certificates that she has put online to make it look as if the dogs are registered. She is bad news. I'm glad they rescued her dogs from her."
On city-data.com, there is a man going by the username "lucknow". He posted:
"I have a friend who lives in Libby Montana. She breeds world class poodles and is an animal lover in the first degree. She usually donates one puppy per litter to be service dogs. I have both bought and sold dogs to her and she is a woman of honesty and character. She has been the victim of a fanatical group of animal rights people who have used a local sheriff to railroad this poor woman. Her animals have been seized without due process her livelihood is being destroyed and the rights of all us animal owners are being destroyed.
"Weep as you read what can happen to you in this so called "land of the Free". I know a lot of members of CD love animals and also love liberty. Please send this sheriff Emails registering your disgust, also the local DA and the media. I have a selfish interest in this schmozzel. Two of the dogs seized belong to me. I contacted this sheriff's department and told them I hold them personally responsible for the health and safety of MY ANIMALS. They assured me they will be fine. My own selfish interests are .0001% of my care and concern here. It's Cathy and her rights that are being illegally crushed by an overbearing and criminal government that is 99.99999% of my care and concern."
When someone dared to disagree with him, he posted:
"I can assure you that these dogs are well looked after. She has been inspected regularly since she opened her kennel. I do believe that is besides the point in any case. How do you suppose laboratory dogs that are the subject of cruel experiments are kept? Those labs are not raided ever! What about most livestock operations? Their animals are not seized and sometimes conditions are just horrible. I know that Cathy might have had a few too many dogs right at this minute. It happens to us breeders. I have 25 dogs right at the moment and I feel that is too many for me. In a month I should be down to 5 after my two litters of puppies go to their forever homes.This case in Montana is just another case of a overbearing and all powerful "state" stomping on the rights of a vulnerable citizen.
"It's a complete load of BS. Everything about this case is a lie! First of all she rescues donkeys and they WERE NOT SEIZED!!!! Her donkeys are still there enjoying life as always. Her birds were not seized. All the photos published are not of her animals. Boby Bowe is a corrupt LIAR!!!!!! I receive a lot of videos from her on the progress of my two puppies. They are happy and they are thriving!!! She is anything but a puppy mill!! She breeds champion poodles. They are sold all over the world for a lot of money. One does not mistreat such valuable animals. My two puppies are worth over $6000 each. It's amazing how the media can so prejudice people. They can print any lie and the readers just believe it. You can not be a member of the AKC, sell champion dogs globally and have anything but a legitimate operation. THis is a case where an innocent citizen of the country is being persecuted by the agents of the state in order to further some outsiders interests and agenda. Justice For Adonai Poodles"
"Not seeing any of these items is a HUGE red flag for me. On top of all that, factor in that she has puppies for sale from a litter born in May, so she didn't have all the puppies spoken for by the time they were born."
Another posted:
"OK, I saw the article and read most of it. It does sound like she had an overabundant amount of animals including birds but especially dogs. I don't know what condition the dogs were truly in, but I dare say she wouldn't be the first dog breeder that lost her touch with reality in how many dogs she can properly care for. Dogs need individual attention and love. How do you do that with dozens of dogs unless you treat them only as breeding stock?
"On one side I'm glad someone is looking out for the best interest of the animals or at least claim to be. On the other side, I don't know what is the truth here is and what isn't.
"I can tell you this much. It's not unusual or unheard of for even the top dog breeders to get in over their heads with too many dogs. I knew a breeder of French bulldogs who had about 30 or so dogs. She was considered a fine breeder, showed her dogs and won at many dog shows.
"What people didn't know is that her dogs that were no longer show dogs, were treated like crap. She had their vocal chords cut to reduce the noise from barking, kept the dogs in kennels not much bigger than large closets. Many of these dogs rarely got human attention other than to be fed and have their kennels cleaned. There was no law against doing this, but do you think those dogs had good lives? Of course the 4-5 dogs that were her current favorite show dogs lived indoors like normal pets. The others were vanquished to outdoor kennels regardless of weather and time of year."
Posted on Cathie's Adonai Red Poodles Facebook page:
"No, there is one woman who tries to fool the public by using several different names-- Cathie Soles, Cathie Warren, Katrina Odegaard are some of them. She trolls FB groups to find people with $$ and then gives them a line about her exotic European poodles. She does no testing of parents, she does not deliver AKC registration papers to buyers, she does not give out her physical address, she even creates her own certificates that she has put online to make it look as if the dogs are registered. She is bad news. I'm glad they rescued her dogs from her."
On city-data.com, there is a man going by the username "lucknow". He posted:
"I have a friend who lives in Libby Montana. She breeds world class poodles and is an animal lover in the first degree. She usually donates one puppy per litter to be service dogs. I have both bought and sold dogs to her and she is a woman of honesty and character. She has been the victim of a fanatical group of animal rights people who have used a local sheriff to railroad this poor woman. Her animals have been seized without due process her livelihood is being destroyed and the rights of all us animal owners are being destroyed.
"Weep as you read what can happen to you in this so called "land of the Free". I know a lot of members of CD love animals and also love liberty. Please send this sheriff Emails registering your disgust, also the local DA and the media. I have a selfish interest in this schmozzel. Two of the dogs seized belong to me. I contacted this sheriff's department and told them I hold them personally responsible for the health and safety of MY ANIMALS. They assured me they will be fine. My own selfish interests are .0001% of my care and concern here. It's Cathy and her rights that are being illegally crushed by an overbearing and criminal government that is 99.99999% of my care and concern."
When someone dared to disagree with him, he posted:
"I can assure you that these dogs are well looked after. She has been inspected regularly since she opened her kennel. I do believe that is besides the point in any case. How do you suppose laboratory dogs that are the subject of cruel experiments are kept? Those labs are not raided ever! What about most livestock operations? Their animals are not seized and sometimes conditions are just horrible. I know that Cathy might have had a few too many dogs right at this minute. It happens to us breeders. I have 25 dogs right at the moment and I feel that is too many for me. In a month I should be down to 5 after my two litters of puppies go to their forever homes.This case in Montana is just another case of a overbearing and all powerful "state" stomping on the rights of a vulnerable citizen.
He got more than he bargained for, though, because other commenters posted their opinions - and they weren't backing him. Some people commented that they don't like PETA, HSUS either but that doesn't mean Cathie didn't deserve to have her animals taken from her.
"When I go to Adonai Rare Poodles website, I do not see any information anywhere about what genetic/health testing is done, what health guarantee the breeder offers, that the breeder will take back any dog at any time during its life, or any breeder recommendations/breed information. These are all basic bits of information that I look for on a reputable breeder's site. As importantly, I also do not see any information about the dogs the breeder uses in their breeding program- normally I would expect to see pictures of the dogs, their pedigrees, any titles they have, and their role in the breeding program.
"Not seeing any of these items is a HUGE red flag for me. On top of all that, factor in that she has puppies for sale from a litter born in May, so she didn't have all the puppies spoken for by the time they were born."
Another posted:
"OK, I saw the article and read most of it. It does sound like she had an overabundant amount of animals including birds but especially dogs. I don't know what condition the dogs were truly in, but I dare say she wouldn't be the first dog breeder that lost her touch with reality in how many dogs she can properly care for. Dogs need individual attention and love. How do you do that with dozens of dogs unless you treat them only as breeding stock?
"On one side I'm glad someone is looking out for the best interest of the animals or at least claim to be. On the other side, I don't know what is the truth here is and what isn't.
"I can tell you this much. It's not unusual or unheard of for even the top dog breeders to get in over their heads with too many dogs. I knew a breeder of French bulldogs who had about 30 or so dogs. She was considered a fine breeder, showed her dogs and won at many dog shows.
"What people didn't know is that her dogs that were no longer show dogs, were treated like crap. She had their vocal chords cut to reduce the noise from barking, kept the dogs in kennels not much bigger than large closets. Many of these dogs rarely got human attention other than to be fed and have their kennels cleaned. There was no law against doing this, but do you think those dogs had good lives? Of course the 4-5 dogs that were her current favorite show dogs lived indoors like normal pets. The others were vanquished to outdoor kennels regardless of weather and time of year."