Bastrop Police Chief Allen Campbell said Michael Bryan Stanley faces charges of aggravated battery and Greg Stanley faces charges of simple battery after reportedly confronting a man who was parked in the road outside.
Campbell said Andrew Payne told officers he was sitting on Auction Barn Road looking at the horse barn when he was approached by three men whom he said accused him of stealing from their property.
"He [Mitchell Stanley] said 'We're going to call the police', and I said 'Fine. I'll wait. . want me to wait for the police? Someone pulled me over from the right, from the passenger window and said, 'You're waiting for me," says Payne.
The Bastrop Police Department was able to use the footage to identify Michael Stanley while Payne identified Greg Stanley in his complaint. A third person was also identified in the video but is not facing charges in connection with the investigation.
Greg Stanley is accused of pulling Payne's shirt through the passenger window.
Michael Stanley is accused of hitting Allen Payne in the face with a wood board through the window of his car.
Campbell said no complaints have been made to the department regarding thefts at the horse barn, and the suspects could not provide him with a list of missing items. - Yeah, because it was a TOTAL LIE.
In the August animal abuse case, Boots Stanley, Greg's son (who runs a horse slaughter auction barn and run a business called The Stanley Bros.), and Steven Sadler were charged with one count of animal cruelty, accused of torturing and killings animals after a video surfaced on social media showing a man abusing a dog.
Other posts show him sitting on a horse, which has a saddle and bridle with reins, beating it with stick (supposedly after it got stuck in the mud). Another photo shows him holding up his hand, covered in blood, after killing an animal(?).
After they've had fun terrorizing this slaughter-bound horse and the dog, they pull the dog off and then, while holding him still, take a knife and start sawing at the pit bull's throat. The dog suffered horrific pain and terror before finally dying.

They were so proud of their video, they posted it to Snapchat.
Both Boots Stanley and Sadler entered a plea of not guilty on those charges in 4th Judicial District Court.

(The News Star - Sept 23, 2016)