According to officials authorities are searching for Boots Stanley (son of top horse slaughter duo, The Stanley Bros.) and Steven Sadler after a video surfaced on social media showing a man abusing a dog.
The video, which was recorded at a "slaughter barn" (a facility that sells horses and ponies to be taken to Mexico and Canada and butchered) shows a pit bull being tied to the back of a horse, which one of them is riding around on, while the dog desperately tries to stay on.
After they've had fun terrorizing this slaughter-bound horse and the dog, they pull the dog off and then, while holding him still, take a knife and start sawing at the pit bull's throat. The dog suffered horrific pain and terror before finally dying.
They were so proud of their video, they posted it to Snapchat.
Ashley County sheriff officials said the men live in the county, but the video shows an incident that happened in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.
The incident is said to have happened in the 1800 block Auction Barn Rd. in Bastrop, LA. The video was posted to Snapchat, but recorded on someone else's phone, and shared to Facebook.
Law enforcement agencies in both Arkansas and Louisiana are searching for Stanley and Sadler.
Bastrop Police went to the horse auction pen known as the "The Bastrop Louisiana Kill Pen" Wednesday evening, looking for Steven Saddler and Boots Stanley. That's where the two men were supposed to turn themselves in, but never showed up.
Mitchell Stanley, the pen's owner, said he knew nothing about the incident, or either of the two suspects, even though one of them has the same last name.
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Only at the last minute does the poor dog suddenly appear to realize something bad is about to happen. |
The Ashley County Sheriff's Department posted the following on their Facebook page:
"We are aware of the video of the dog. Please hold your calls on this video to the Sheriff's Office we are having to deal with other calls as well. The incident actually happened in Morehouse Parish as we are assisting them with this and is being investigated."
"In our line of work, we have to remain neutral but we still are human. So I would say on a personal note yes [this video] was quite disturbing.", says Bastrop Police Chief Allen Campbell.

UPDATE (Aug 25, 2016):
A pair of Arkansas men accused of animal cruelty have been arrested after officials received a complaint about the two men.
The Bastrop Police Department has arrested Boots Stanley and Steven Sadler in connection with a video that surfaced on social media showing a man abusing a dog.
Stanley and Sadler have been charged with one count of Cruelty to Animals-Aggravated and one count of Conspiracy.

They have both been booked into the Morehouse Parish Jail.
If found guilty of these charges, the two could face up to 10 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines.
Of course, this slaughter pen business is getting a lot of heat. They posted a statement on Facebook denying any knowledge of what's going on. But local residents know the truth:
(Fox16 - Aug 24, 2016)
Newer Stories:
- Louisiana: Greg Stanley and Michael Stanley, angry that Boots Stanley has been caught torturing and killing animals, beat innocent man
- Louisiana: Psychopathic Stanley Family Savagely Beat a Concerned Neighbor for Asking Questions about Dog Whose Throat They Slit And Tortured
- Louisiana: Stanley family horse slaughter auction house has long history of animal cruelty complaints